Forum Discussion

rixie's avatar
On our wavelength
3 months ago

I seem to have two networks - should I be worried?

I have been Virgin Media customers for many years, and have had the router/hub replaced a few times, as new versions have become available. I currently have the Hub 3.0.

Looking at my WIFI networks on my computer, I have two with very similar names, for example:

VM 1234567 and WM 1234567

Both are password protected and have the same password to access. 

The current hub has a sticker on it with the network name and password, and it's the option that starts with VM. 

I know that our network name has changed a few times over the years as the hub has been replaced, but is there a legitimate reason for having the different prefixes of VM and WM? Both work, so I'm assuming it isn't an old and now obsolete name that relates to old equipment.

I have a new mesh system attached to the router, to boost the signal around the house, and I'm wondering if this has something to do with it? I considered telling all of our devices to forget the second network, but the mesh system seems to be using this one as the connected option. 

Is there anything I should be worried about or is this normal behaviour?






  • The admin menus of the VM Hub and of the Wi-Fi Mesh will show what SSID each is configured to broadcast.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The admin menus of the VM Hub and of the Wi-Fi Mesh will show what SSID each is configured to broadcast.

    • rixie's avatar
      On our wavelength

      That's my next problem, as I can't access the hub. I tried earlier, and it wouldn't recognise my password, and also wouldn't send me a reset link. I suspect I'll have to make a phone call for some help regaining access.

      • Tudor's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        "I can't access the hub. I tried earlier, and it wouldn't recognise my password,"
        Are you using the correct password, it’s not the WiFi one, but should be on the bottom of the hub, possibly called settings password. The only way to recover the settings password is by a pin-hole reset of the hub. VM do not have details of this password. If you cannot retrieve it by a pin-hole reset the only option is a replacement hub. 

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Possibly one is from the mesh system, perhaps a typo when it’s was set up or maybe one is on the 2.4Ghz band and one on the 5Ghz. It’s not two networks, you only have one,, but you can have many SSIDs (WiFi names). With my networking equipment I have 8 SSIDs.

    • rixie's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Yes, I wondered about a typing error, although there is something in my head telling me that both  network predates the new mesh system. Many it's just a typing error from a long time back.

      When I look up the network details on my Mac, they are showing two different IP addresses and router numbers, so I was concerned that something is masquerading as a network and I'm connecting to something that should be avoided. I don't know if that's even possible? 

      • rixie's avatar
        On our wavelength

        I seem to have accidentally marked this as resolved, and can't seem to reverse this. 

        What I'd be really glad to know is whether there is any risk that I'm connecting to some sort of spoof network that is then able to access my information in some way? 

        If it's just a spelling error, then that's fine, but the WM network has an IP and router address that starts 192.168.4....., rather than the expected 192.168.0...... Does anyone know why that is? 

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    What is the make and model of your “new mesh system” ?

  • If you install a WiFi Analyser app on your phone, you can walk around the house and it will tell you where each wifi network has the strongest signal. You can walk around the house and "home in" on the signal. This should help you narrow down which device is broadcasting which network.

    I like to use WiFi Analyzer (open-source) - Apps on Google Play

    • rixie's avatar
      On our wavelength

      On my Mac, next to the router, both Networks are available at full strength. 

      Upstairs, where we were having signal problems, only the WM network is showing, and the app for the mesh system shows that as the connected network, which makes me think that maybe it's related to the way the mesh works. 

      The mesh units are Eero Pro 6E. 

      • rixie's avatar
        On our wavelength

        And thanks, Tudor, I've managed to find the correct password for the Hub and logged in. According to everything I can see, (and I clicked on all the available options to check), the devices within the house are either connected by ethernet or via the VM network only. There is no mention anywhere of the WM network on the HUB settings.

        That said, the Eero app has it listed as the network in use. 



  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Setting the same Wi-Fi SSID / Password on the VM Hub and the Eero is perfectly fine.

    In this configuration the Eero is normally configured in Access Point Mode
    so as to avoid issues with double NAT and multiple address ranges.

    • rixie's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thank you Client62, so I can amend the WM prefix to read VM, so that the whole system is looking for just one name, or is it safe to just leave it as it is? 

      When I check the Cable Box on the TV upstairs, it only detected the WM network, (from the Eero pod), and told me the VM network was out of range. 

      Also, after some reading around on the internet today, there is advice to set the Virgin Media Hub to Modem mode, and mine is set on Router mode. I haven't changed it, because I read that once you do so, any wired connections would need to go to the Eero and not the Hub, and the Eero doesn't have sufficient spare ports. 

      I just followed the instructions in the Eero app to get it working and, because it's doing the job, I didn't worry about this setting, as the Eero instructions never prompted me to change this.