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Connection Issues - Intermittant Speed Loss & Latency

On our wavelength

Hi All

For the last month or so been having issues with intermittant speed loss and random spikes in latency.

I think I remember there being an issue in the area which was then resolved and that's when issues started happening.

After checking the router status I noticed a lot of CM-Status 24 and 16 issues in the networking log. After a reboot these persist being logged every 3-5 minutes or so.

Can anyone advise, see screenshots from the router status pages:

Network Log.PNGConfig.PNGUpstream.PNGDownstream3.PNGDownstream2.PNGDownstream1.PNGStatus.PNG

Space Corps Directive 1742:
'No member of the Corps should ever report for active duty in a ginger toupee.'

On our wavelength

Updated log showing it continuing post restart more

network log2.PNG

Space Corps Directive 1742:
'No member of the Corps should ever report for active duty in a ginger toupee.'

On our wavelength

network log2.PNG

Space Corps Directive 1742:
'No member of the Corps should ever report for active duty in a ginger toupee.'

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Far too many PostRS errors suggesting noise on the circuit.  Check the connections are not loose.  A VM technician will need to find out the cause and sort it out. 

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Alessandro Volta

Look at the 3.0 Downstream channels, there are high numbers of Pre-RS Errors but much worst also many Post RS Errors ( i.e. uncorrectable errors ).  If these error counts are still rising a local noise fault may still be an issue.

Check all the internal coax cables are securely fitted to your VM Hub and to your VM TV equipment. 
Check external connection boxes still have covers intact and not letting rain onto the cables / splitters.

On our wavelength

Thanks both for advice, the cables seemed solid but I've taken them out (both the hub and tv box and the port into the house) and put them back in again as suggested, the coax's are 100% secure in place and seem fine. Just letting everything power on and settle and will post in an hour or so with the new logs if its still wonky.

Space Corps Directive 1742:
'No member of the Corps should ever report for active duty in a ginger toupee.'

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It would also do no harm to setup a BQM to monitor your circuit in the future, and it's free !

VM will, in most cases, suggest you setup on anyway, so it's a handy thing to have running.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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On our wavelength

Still getting errors, whats the best way of getting contact from Virgin Media?


Space Corps Directive 1742:
'No member of the Corps should ever report for active duty in a ginger toupee.'

Alessandro Volta

Check for a known local fault on 0800 561 0061 - it is an automated service.
Customer Services are on 150 or 0345 454 1111 from a non-VM phone.

Alessandro Volta

@Tyranis wrote:


How you get Maximum Number of CPEs 3?
