installation date keeps getting moved!
I'm in the same boat as you, I joined VM from Sky back in early March, having a installation date of 6th. April, this was the date to be transfered over from Sky. , Having phoned VM every day, checking when the engineer was going to arrive, having been told the external engineers will arrive on Monday then it was Tuesday, Wednesday then Thursday. Thursday afternoon I had a text message saying my new installaion date is 23th. 4 days we waiting in for an engineers to turn up at our property to open our electric gates and show then where to run the cable. My contract was due to end with Sky on the 6th. April so I decided to stay with them. My wife and I need the internet for ordering our medications and hospital appointments etc. You have 14 days after the equipement has been installed to cancel for free - cooling off period. My daughter put a message out on twitter regarding the was VM has changed our installion and lied saying an engineers will be out for external cabling. A number of replys, on guy saying he had his installion date moved 8 times!!!