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Renew contract

Joining in

My existing reduced contract is scheduled to expire on 19/06/2024, I have received an email offer to renew my contract with a new offer which i accepted on 19/05/2024. I then received a confirmation email from the webteam (order reference CH2068474159) confirming the order with an estimated activation date of 26/05/2024. I also received a contract summary sheet (100216738748). However, i have since received various emails titled 'A little reminder about your contract' advising me my contract is expiring and have a reviewed the offers? Even though i have already accepted one?! Which leads me to believe my contact renewal with the new offer has not been processed. I have logged into my virgin media and it still has all my old contract details and zero info / detail about the new contract. 

Can someone please check the status of the order and confirm if this has been processed? I dont have the time or the patience to speak to the customer services as i have had previous bad experiences with them as i had a similar problem the last time round when going through the painful process of trying to update my contract / get a new deal. Any update would be greatly appreciated, my account number is [removed]. A generic response of 'If you've done the order online then it can take 14 days for the new deal to begin' or 'contract customer services' will not be acceptable as 14 days has now passed and i still have not had anything confirmed. 

Thanks in advance

Jamie [removed]

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey jcrowder, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this. Also a warm welcome to the community. 

If you have ordered online, this can take 10 - 14 working days not normal days sorry.

Currently this is still within the time frame by another day or so.

If this hasn't gone through by Friday at the latest reach out and we will look into this.



Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Hi i still haven’t received confirmation, can someone please look into this asap, i’ve just had latest bill through which is now over £100 when i agreed to a new contract at £70 which is very frustrating. if this is not resolved ill be cancelling after 10+ years with virgin media, its just not worth the hassle every 18months. 

Please remember do bill a month in advance.

Just to confirm has it passed this time limit? 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Hi Matthews,

thanks for coming back to me, i can confirm 14 working days has now passed, the new contract offer was accepted on 19/05 which means today falls on the 15th working day. On my latest bill the bill period states 5th June to 4th July, based on me accepting new monthly rates on 19th May, i assume this will amend? Any help would be greatly appreciated, i fear if left any longer the issue will drag on and ill be charged more than what was agreed as i had very similar problems when trying to renew my contrat last time round.



Please can you reach back out if if this doesn't  go through by today.

Do you also still have the paperwork for this deal? 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Hi this still has not gone through, with regards to the paperwork for the deal, upon confirming online i received an email confirming my order (order reference CH2068474159) giving a breakdown of the inclusions, price and estimated activation date of 26/05/24. I also received a separate email with pre contract documents attached i.e contract summary sheet and contract information sheet. 

Hi i still hasn't gone through.

with regards to paperwork I received an email on 19/05/2024 (order reference CH2068474159) confirming the order with an estimated activation date of 26/05/2024 which i still have a copy of. I also received a contract summary sheet and contract information sheet documents which was emailed to me which i still have copies of.

Joining in

Hi this still hasn't gone through and with regards to paperwork yes i still have the email correspondence confirming ref my initial post.

Thank you for that information. We can certainly take a look into this. I will private message you now to confirm your details. 
