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Netflix membership stopped

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On 21/2/24 netflix stopped.  I have the Volt package which includes Netflix.  I have had hours of communicating with Virgin, this is via live chat, whatsapp and telephone, who stated various things; we are sending a signal to reactivate, we will call you back, you have two accounts, when shall we install Virgin, give me your payment deals and you can pay for Netflix, I will ask customer services to call you, I will contact the technical team who will call you.  I hsve put in a complaint, but this may take up to 7 days, and still I will be without Netflix.  I have spoken with Netflix who state that Virgin has delinked the service, ie stopped paying them for what is part of the TV bundle I am paying for.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey Sarah1961, thank you  for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am so sorry to hear about this.

I have taken a look and  I can see you've spoke to the team since this.

Did they manage to give any support or advice?

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

I'm afraid that the saga continues; from being advised that 'its only 4 more days' that I would have to wait until the 10 days is up (amount of time to be taken to resolve issues), received email to say will receive email with link, told it was a free service anyway, tlc to virgin and being advised that manager would call me back. It is now 6/3/24 and no netflix

Hi @Sarah1961 thanks for getting back to us. 

Sorry to hear your Netflix account issue is still ongoing.  And for any inconvenience this may be causing you. I would like to take a look on your behalf. I am going to send you a private message. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the top right of your screen.

