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Netflix hacked

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My netflix is now showing all my profiles as locked and requires a pin code also these profiles have Spanish names against them.

I have called Netflix who confim the account was compromised and my email changed.

They said to get Virginmedia to close this Netflix account and open a new one.

They cannot do any more and said to call Virgimedia --- they cant seem to do anything ..

Who can help ?


Settling in

Hi- had exact same issue last week and now on numerous calls with customer service and issue still not resolved. Keep being pushed to speak to netflix. When speak to netflix pushback to speak to virgin media

Been advised that a support ticket raised but it will be 5 days plus for a response

Hi @Ged1985, thanks for reaching out to us and a warm welcome to the Virgin Media forums. 👋🏼

I'm sorry to hear about the issues with the service you're experiencing in regards to Netflix. 😞
May I ask if an IT ticket has been raised?

Kind regards,

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Hi Jerry, 


I've encountered the very same problem as you. I've got things moving and had Netflix account cancelled and it's in the process of be set up again. My question is how did you manage to log out the Netflix account on the VM Tivo box. All the profiles are in Spanish and have password protection. I can't log out of it or delete the app.

Any guidance greatly received. 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@PaulDeas1 wrote:

Hi Jerry, 

My question is how did you manage to log out the Netflix account on the VM Tivo box. All the profiles are in Spanish and have password protection. I can't log out of it or delete the app.

Any guidance greatly received. 


Hi @PaulDeas1 

Please see the linked thread <<< here >>>   Although the steps I have indicated in how to log out are for the 360 box and 360 remote, it should also work with the tivo box.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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Many thanks for the response. I'm still having trouble with this. I can't navigate to anything on the left hand side at all, all that's on the Netflix screen is 5 locked profiles. 

Thanks for coming back to us @PaulDeas1 and a very warm welcome to you!

Are you able to log out of the Netflix account on the 360 TV set top box and then logging back into see if this allows you to access the left hand side of the screen?

Kindest regards,


Thanks David. There is no option anywhere I can see for login out of Netflix, only the 5vlicked profiles (hacked profiles in Spanish).


That should say 5 hacked profiles. 

Thanks for coming back to us @PaulDeas1.

Can you possibly provide a picture of the screen for me with the 5 hacked profiles, so we can gain a better understanding of the situation?

Kindest regards,


Joining in

Thanks for looking into it. The first picture is the 5 profiles. The second is what I see when I go into any of them. I can't access anything else anywhere. 

