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Contract Renewal

Joining in

I was sent a renewal post telling me that my contract for just broadband only was coming to end in February 2024 and that my new renewal was going to be double my original cost of my current package to a cost of £57.00

i checked online and a package on the virgin media site a much better package than my current one and also in addition includes a landline and a mobile device was £31.99

i asked for this package and was told it was only for current customers and then I said I was a current customer, to be told it was a mistake and was only available to new customers.

i was very dismayed by this and asked why.. to be told that they do not have loyalty to current customers and seek new customers and give them the benefits.

Ive been with Virgin media for nearly 20 years and to be told today that there is no loyalty for customers is disgusting.

im not surprised people are leaving in their droves and sadly I today am leaving your organisation as of today due to lack of loyalty and support for you’re current customers.

you need to get your systems in order as it’s atrocious trying to cancel when I did only to be told at the time of cancelling that I could have the same package if I didn’t cancel as I had before.

After 2 days of trying to reach an agreement with you and to be told no chance of the same price you then offer it to me due to me leaving, which is disgusting practices of any company, especially a company that says it prides itself on customer service.

your company will suffer in the long run and you have brought this on yourselves.

Mr Banks



Problem sorter

To be actually told by VM in terms that it has no loyalty to you as an existing customer is very funny indeed.

Do please get the call recording and post it on YouTube or similar with a link to it on here.

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi Banksy1970,

Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.

We're sorry to see we couldn't come to an agreement, all of our customers would've received an introductory offer when joining us.

From there our team will try to ofer the most suitable package they can, since one hasn't been agreed is the account still active?

Let us know,


Hi Kain,

the account is still active until the 3 March 2024.


Thank you for that information. We are sorry an agreement couldn't be made. We do wish you all the best with your new provider. 


my introductory offer when by many many many years ago.

that has no bearing on the situation.

i was told that they do t have loyalty to older customers in no uncertain terms.

so saying that you are sorry that you couldn’t come to an agreement is rubbish.

you never tried to come to an agreement with us.

you want double the amount we were paying for a package we have had for years.

if you are saying the introductory offer well that went many years before.

you are offering the cheaper deal to new customers of nearly £30 cheaper that what you offered us.

to say that you even tried would be an understatement.

it was only when I said I was leaving that you offered me a big discount! Why let it get that far! There is no loyalty from yourselves.

I totally agree with you Banksy - I am in same situation. You look at the comparison sites and the offer from VM is over 50% - 70% more and like you I've been a VM customer for donkey's years but not treated like one. With all the goings on nowadays with OpenReach going Full Fibre and all the other Full Fibre providers  I feel VM need to get there act together  and pretty quick as they will be loosing more customers than they are at present which I am experiencing around my area.

Hi @davrob

Welcome back to the community forums 
Sorry to hear you feel this way. If you are unhappy with your current package deal, please do consider giving us a call on 0345 454 1111 / 150 or via WhatsApp on 07305 327 112 our team will be more than happy to perform a package review for you. They will ensure that you're on the best possible deal for your package.

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Thanks Carley. I did phone a few days ago but the lady was unable to give firm quote as she was waiting for the mid contract price rise %, so was having phone back after 14th February. At present I am on broadband and all time phone but thinking of dropping phone touse mobile but told I would not be entitled to any discount - so figures don't look very favourable - shame after many, many years at VM. Hope I won't have same as Banksy if I leave and hope VM come out with correct quote straight away. Thanks for your consideration Carley

Up to speed

Hi  to everyone current retail price index for February in 5.1% ...VM have yet to announce I believe a figure for their business.. and also 3.9% plus in April is loomimg on the horizon ... maths tells me that 9% ... so WATCH for developments before decisions ... just saying ...😉