2 weeks ago
My home phone is connected to the hub 5 and have recently noticed that the time on the phone advances by 1 hour. I correct the time but a few days later it advances by 1 hour again.
Is this a Virgin time warp or has my phone developed a fault. I suspect the former.
Any ideas out there.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Hi there @Grumps70
Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here.
I am so sorry that you are facing this issue with your phone and the display time and thanks again for posting. Can I ask if you have tried a full factory reset on the Hub? Resetting may help update the time. To do this push a pen etc into the reset hole and hold in for 30 seconds, this will cause a full factory reset so if you have changed the Hub password or name at all it will reset to the original on the Hub sticker.
2 weeks ago
Thanks for info. I will give a try when convenient.
a week ago
Done the reboot and all seems to be fine now. Thanks for the info.
a week ago
Great to hear Alan, thanks for letting us know 😊