Forum Discussion

KITCAT1's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

Do we pay a month in advance for services?

Had virgin installed on 21 December and was told my first payment would be on 22 February and this would be a double payment. 

I've discovered that a double payment was debited from my bank on 22 January. Can you please advise me if we pay in advance for Virgin Media's services. 


  • If you check the entries on your monthly bill, it will show the dates to which each line relates.

  • Ilyas_Y's avatar
    Forum Team (Retired)

    Hey there KITCAT1 👋🏼 Thanks for reaching out to us on the Virgin Media community forums.

    I'm sorry to hear about the confusion in relation to the VM billing.
    Once the services are activated - the first bill is produced after 10 days and the agreed payment date is set for each month.

    The first months billing is for 2 months which is correct, and yes we do charge our bills in advance.
    Have you got any confirmation which advises you of the first payment date? Try to avoid posting any personal information.

    Kind regards,

    • KITCAT1's avatar
      Joining in

      Yes, I've got the name of the advisor but I don't wish to get anyone in trouble... 

      It's an oversight or misinformation on the advisors part but I wouldn't want to complain... Life is too hard for those working in the Customer Services sector. 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If you check the entries on your monthly bill, it will show the dates to which each line relates.

  • So forgive me if i'm being stupid here, if we do  make a double payment at the start of our contract then surely we should get that back at the end of our contract no? because if we don't that would mean VM would be receiving an extra month payment.

    Again if I'm missing something obvious please correct me.


    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      HavencroftKev wrote:

      if we do  make a double payment at the start of our contract then surely we should get that back at the end of our contract no?g obvious please correct me.

      All covered at 

      In almost all cases, a standard bill is produced before disconnection that will cover a substantial period post-disconnection - as billing continues until the day your services are cancelled.

      The final bill then has a credit for the unused period post disconnection.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It's also why you shouldn't be in a hurry to cancel your direct debit on leaving VM as you may not get your fianl credit.