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Not receiving some emails

Tuning in

Hi I’m on an email and I’m not receiving emails from some senders any ideas? They not going into spam. 


Alessandro Volta

What did the message say? 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Undelivered I presume. It’s very difficult to get specifics from them as my email address is correct so they just point me towards VM. 

Alessandro Volta

This could be just your address being rejected, or every one from that company. The return message would help to establish that. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

It can’t be all VM addresses. Not sure what to do now?

I’ve asked them and they said it’s rejected by VM and that’s all the information they giving. Surely this is a VM issue. 

I’m receiving all other emails. 

Alessandro Volta

A VM person might pick this up and take details of the company's emails. I don't know if the VM system keeps a record of rejected emails but they could check for you. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Any idea how to flag it to VM?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Lite1970 wrote:
I have renewed my cover and not receiving my email or anything from them

Many organisations use automated software to send out transactional emails, such as confirmation of payment or in your case confirmation that insurance cover has been renewed.

So if you receive an email from a member of the company's customer support staff that may well be coming from a different email system to these automated confirmation emails. The domain name ( for example) may be the same for both types of emails but they are being sent via different email services.

There can be problems receiving these automated emails for a couple of reasons:

  1. VM run checks on all incoming emails to ensure that they have not been spoofed. Sometimes it seems the automated software packages are not set up correctly and fail VM's security checks. That should result in a message going back to the sender explaining why the email has been rejected. As you have found customer services staff rarely seem interested in providing the details of those error message and bump you off to VM. Sadly, without that error information it is almost impossible to determine why the emails are not getting through.
  2. There is a second possibility. These automated email packages work very hard to ensure that they cannot be accused of sending spam. If they have the slightest reason to believe that an email recipient sees their emails as spam they will put the recipient's email address on a "suppression list" and block emails being sent to your email address. I experienced that myself with  a charity that I did voluntary work for. I never got to the bottom of why my email address ended up on their suppression list  end the only way I could receive emails from them was by giving them an alternative email address.

There may be other reasons that you are not getting emails from this company. For example they have been cases on this forum where it transpired that the email address held by the company's automated email service was incorrect. Again the sender would get an error message back saying the the email address could not be found.

Sorry to go on at length but to sum up, without any help from the company sending the email then it is highly unlikely that you are going to discover exactly what's going wrong.

In all honesty the best option would be to provide the company with an alternative (preferable non VM)  email address.

As an aside, VM stopped issuing new email accounts in May 2022 and since then all new VM customers have to use their own email address to sign up to VM broadband. VM do still support VM email accounts that are linked to live VM broadband accounts but the future of the VM email system is unclear. Moving to an email address provided by a dedicated email provider would future proof you.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Thanks for you steer on this. Any idea how I raise this with VM?