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Can’t rename or move email sub folders

Tuning in

Since the Virgin Media email problems about a year ago, I have been unable to move or rename any of my email sub folders. I have tried contacting support - they say they’ll ring me back but rarely do, they say they’ve raised a ticket but nothing happens, they say a different IT team will contact me but they never do…

it seems they are unable to fix the fault that they caused in the first place.  Everything was working fine until June last year…

Anyone else had this problem?  Anyone got a fix please?

thanks, Eleni


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Is this issue occurring in webmail or an email client, like Thunderbird or similar?

What error message is shown when attempting to rename a folder?

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It happens everywhere, including in webmail. Error message varies slightly according to where it is, no error number given, it just says something vague like “unable to move the folder”. In webmail it also says I don’t have permission to move the folder.

Hey Eleni2, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear about this.

Are you using Outlook or are you using Webmail?

If it is Outlook is the system fully updated? 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

As I said, the issue happens regardless of what I use - webmail or a client (thunderbird, email in iPhone, etc)

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Eleni2 wrote:

As I said, the issue happens regardless of what I use - webmail or a client (thunderbird, email in iPhone, etc)

Following the big VM email outage, a lot of people reported being unable to delete or rename folders.

At the time @用心棒 (who replied to your post earlier) posted a work around that involved setting up a new (sub ) folder to the folder that could not be deleted or renamed. You can add a new ( sub) folder to a sub folder so it may be worth signing into webmail and try adding a new folder to one that you cannot delete or move.

Here is @用心棒's original post that shows the steps. 

I think it would at least be worth giving that a try.

By the way, if that work around does not solve your problem you can blame me for wasting your time but if works please thank @用心棒 not me. 😉


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Thanks, very helpful. And useful to hear others have experienced the same. So toclarify:

I create a new sub folder in the sub folder I want to move/delete, move all the emails to it, move it to where I want it and then delete the original sub folder?


I actually already tried deleting a sub folder I no longer wanted but it remained greyed out and wouldn’t delete completely?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Eleni2 wrote:

I create a new sub folder in the sub folder I want to move/delete, move all the emails to it, move it to where I want it and then delete the original sub folder?


As per the example in @用心棒's original post,once you have created the new sub folder  leave your original sub folder as it is.

Then see if you can now move / delete / rename your original sub folder.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Yes, I can move and delete new sub folders that have just been created, but I’m still stuck with not being able to delete the old sub folders…

I guess I also have a problem with VM in that if they create problems like this then they should really fix them, rather than leave people to struggle by themselves trying to sort them out !

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Eleni2 wrote:

Yes, I can move and delete new sub folders that have just been created, but I’m still stuck with not being able to delete the old sub folders…

Sorry to hear that. All I can say is that the workaround seemed to work for those who had problems with folders rather than sub folders.

"I guess I also have a problem with VM in that if they create problems like this then they should really fix them, rather than leave people to struggle by themselves trying to sort them out !"

The thing is that VM stopped issuing new email accounts two years ago.  Since then new VM broadband customers have not had the option to use a VM email account.

VM do still support the VM email accounts of existing customers but  the future of the VM email service is unclear. It seems their business focus lies elsewhere. When I say "their focus" I'm talking about VM's corporate policy, the front line support staff can only do their best in the circumstances.

Personally, I would suggest that you consider switching to an email account provided by a dedicated email service. There are many of them, Here are a few to consider 

In any event, using a non VM email account will future proof you - remember that when / if you switch to a another broadband provider you will lose access to you VM email account 90 days after your VM contract terminates.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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