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Forum Posts

Sales Team 0800 183 6408

I keep getting a call from the sales team which I don't mind as I'm due to renew my deal soon anyway so interested in what they are offering but as soon as I confirm my address to them they hang up.  Does this mean they have no better deal for me or ...

Liklihood of getting a better deal

We're on the volt package at the minute (whatever the one is that has the sky sports, movies, extra TV box, 02 sim etc).We only got it for the 1G fiber to be honest as it took a long time for it to be installed in our street and it was apparently the...

m1aroo by Joining in
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Moving Existing Equipment

We have two white splitter boxes, one at each end of the through lounge/dinner. One has the connection to tv box and the other to the internet hub and phone. We want to change our room around which will mean swopping the hub to where tv currently is ...

Akela by Joining in
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Disgruntled customer - no better deal

I have just had a conversation with the virgin team, I am a 20 year plus customer and they offer me nothing to sign into a new contract, I am disgusted, I’m going to shop around and see if I can get a better deal elsewhere, plus, I will never recomme...

jim1951 by Tuning in
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Customer Services Email Contact

Can someone please provide a email contact for customer services. Whats the point is sending out letters with no contact details to prevent you replying?

flyal4 by On our wavelength
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Confirm ID of Door Salesman

Today a door salesman turned up to discuss Virgin Media. His offers were exceptional, far better than anything posted online, and he made a very good case. I hope he is legit, but is there someone I can privately message to confirm his legitimacy? Di...

Torig91 by Just joined
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Virgin Media Employee with Vans keep hogging up spaces

I've got two employees living in our street and they both are two car families with an additional VM van each. My question is why can't VM park their vans at their own property overnight and employees can travel and park their cars there and take the...