on 11-12-2024 13:15
Hi. My name is Illa and my 18 month contract is coming to an end on 27th January 2025.
I have been advised the team on here can help me renew this.
Please could someone message me back , so this can be done.
on 11-12-2024 13:20
Unfortunately you have been advised incorrectly. The VM Forum Team staff cannot help with renewals. You will need to call the usual number 0345 454 1111.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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4 weeks ago
Try the Contact us "chat-bot" and cancel due to high cost (compared with other providers for similar package and new customer deals) Be prepared to cancel if the agent who picks it up can't give you a deal.
VM is a business and may realise it's easier to retain a customer than to get them back after a bad experience. I have just renewed with a better deal than expected,