Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
11 months ago

Install of BB Tomorrow

I due to have my BB fitted tomorrow. As I’ve stated in older post, I’m not able to access my account, and as such I’ve no way of gaining any information regarding my installation tomorrow.

My main questions I need an answer too are:

Will VM bring my modem and streaming box with them?

How long will the process take?

Will I be able to use the BB immediately or will it take a while to settle in etc?

Hope you can help

Many thanks

  • Two possibilties.

    If there is an existing VM cable connecting your house/flat to the street, then a technician should bring all that is needed to get you installed and working right away.

    If there is not an existing cable, then it is most unlikely that all the work will be done tomorrow and you may be given a new date.

    You should be able to find out what's happening by calling the pre-installations number 0800 052 1734.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Two possibilties.

    If there is an existing VM cable connecting your house/flat to the street, then a technician should bring all that is needed to get you installed and working right away.

    If there is not an existing cable, then it is most unlikely that all the work will be done tomorrow and you may be given a new date.

    You should be able to find out what's happening by calling the pre-installations number 0800 052 1734.

  • Hi fusileer,

    How did your installation go?

    We're sorry for our delayed response and that you haven't been able to sign into your My Virgin Media account. Provided your services have now been installed and activated, you should now be able to successfully register for My Virgin Media/sign in.

    If you need any further help, just let us know.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi Beth

      Thank you for your reply regarding my instalation. In answer to your question, my instalation on Wednesday 27th went as expected with no problems. Ive since not been able to either access any email or indeed progress furhter than contract page on My Media!

      Despite trying to rectify this by attempting to reset my password as requested, try logging in with a different e amil address, Im unable to actually view anything on my account other than the actual contract, but alas nothing else. Indeed if i follow the dropdown boxes on my cotract im met with an overview message informing me Ive left VM!

      My email however is also none functional, im met with the following message:


      Not the start to an 18 month contract I was either hopng for or indeed expecting! Luckily Im in a cooling off period therefore all is not lost!

      I'll let things settle down in the hope that the dysfuntional IT system can catch up from a bank holiday! And who knows I may well be able to do just what i was hoping to achive last week. Leave some positive feedback for your installer, check that my bill shows the promised account credits of £100 and has the delivery charge for my stream box been removed, as promised by you rep who sold me this package?

      I reamin hopefull that this is nothing other than tething problems, and with luck it will rectify itself befor the week is out.

      Kind regards




  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Have you previously been a VM customer? If so you are looking at the old account, not the new one you have now. This often happens. 

    You will need a VM person to sort it. 

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Thanks for your swift response👍

      Whilst I've not been a VM customer before, I may well have an account that was set up for my by the rep who was assisting me in a product change🫣 

      I fully agree VM will probably need to sort this for me🤞