Poor Line Quality Gaming
I had 500mb fibre installed recently (last month) and have great download and upload speeds. Getting on average 550mbps down and 55mbps up. This is fairly consistent.
Streaming video etc is fine, although on occasions it does buffer. However, when it comes to gaming, its an absolute bloody night. I play CS, Battlefield etc. Any form of online shooter is a pain to play. Its playable with an average ping of around 15-20ms, but I get regular spikes up to 150ms/200ms for 2-3 seconds and it drops down again. I currently have a new Hub 5x, which I think could be the cause of the problems, but I am not sure. Just to provide some evidence, I have run a number of line quality tests, with mixed results. As you can see, its shocking. These tests are done 30 seconds apart and its terrible.
The same happens when its plugged in. I also also run the same tests on a different internet connection and via my mobile and I don't get any of these issues.