Please help - Sent Email Messages
Good afternoon, I wondered if you could help as I'm rather stressed. I have been sending my husband emails which contain important documents and signatures. It appears recently, my emails to him may have been going to another email address and not to him. Please see info from the source details. Can anybody shed any light on what has happened and whether they will have in fact been sent to this other email address? When addressing to my husband I just start typing his address then click to select. I have only noticed today the other email address which is [REMOVED] I have now deleted this from my address book for going forward. Neither myself or my husband have ever sent an email to this person. I'm so stressed!!!!!
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 11:59:39 +0100 (BST)
Message-ID: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Subject: Fwd: Confirmation of your order: A18525001777
[MOD EDIT: Personal information has been removed from this post.]
You're very welcome. I know that situations such as this can be very stressful.
I was hoping that the VM team would contact you today - they may still do that. However, if not it should be tomorrow morning.