ntlworld POP email not working June 2024
Very disappointed with Virgin Media email support. I have an ntlworld.com email address and prefer to POP rather than IMAP This has been running for almost 20 years. Using over 20 different devices.VM have recently changed their email server.
Now I can receive emails as normal with the following settings: Windows 7.
Incoming mail (POP3) pop.ntlworld.com
[unticked] logon using secure password authentication
[unticked] My server requires authentication.
Incoming POP3 port 110 [ ] SSL unticked.
But sending email with Outgoing mail (SMTP): smtp.ntlworld.com.
Sending mail fails after June 2024.
Messages given VM state existing ntlworld, bluyonder, and Virgin.net email settings will continue to work. But they don’t
Tried recommended VM settings SMTP to smtp.virginmedia.com and all the other settings. They don’t work.
WEB mail is working ok but such a time waster setting up mail client for new settings on different devices and iphones.
When Virgenmedia make significant changes to their email servers they should have download scripts for windows, iphones and other devices.
Quite simple I use cpanel on my servers and can configure my devices by clicking on the download button.
Given up spending all afternoon trying various VM pop mail settings.
Hope someone has the answer.
In my opinion no-one should be using VM as a email provider. After reading the many many threads about email, you would think VM have lost interest in email? I moved my 4 NTL email boxes from VM over a year ago. Yes a complete pain but worth it in the end. I would strongly suggest you make the same move.
Conversely, the broadband supply is excellent and I can’t complain about it.