Forum Discussion

Tony-fixit's avatar
Tuning in
8 months ago

ntlworld POP email not working June 2024

Very disappointed with Virgin Media email support. I have an email address and prefer to POP rather than IMAP This has been running for almost 20 years. Using over 20 different devices.VM have recently changed their email server.
Now I can receive emails as normal with the following settings: Windows 7.
Incoming mail (POP3)
[unticked]  logon using secure password authentication
[unticked] My server requires authentication.
Incoming POP3 port 110 [ ] SSL unticked.
But sending email with Outgoing mail (SMTP):
Sending mail fails after June 2024.

Messages given VM state existing ntlworld, bluyonder, and email settings will continue to work. But they don’t

Tried recommended VM settings SMTP to and all the other settings. They don’t work.
WEB mail is working ok but such a time waster setting up mail client for new settings on different devices and iphones.

When Virgenmedia make significant changes to their email servers they should have download scripts for windows, iphones and other devices.
Quite simple I use cpanel on my servers and can configure my devices by clicking on the download button.
Given up spending all afternoon trying various VM pop mail settings.
Hope someone has the answer.

  • In my opinion no-one should be using VM as a email provider. After reading the many many threads about email, you would think VM have lost interest in email? I moved my 4 NTL email boxes from VM over a year ago. Yes a complete pain but worth it in the end. I would strongly suggest you make the same move. 
    Conversely, the broadband supply is excellent and I can’t complain about it.

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    In my opinion no-one should be using VM as a email provider. After reading the many many threads about email, you would think VM have lost interest in email? I moved my 4 NTL email boxes from VM over a year ago. Yes a complete pain but worth it in the end. I would strongly suggest you make the same move. 
    Conversely, the broadband supply is excellent and I can’t complain about it.

    • Tony-fixit's avatar
      Tuning in

      Yes I quite agree I just can't understand why Virginmedia cannot support their own email server server. BT allow an email address. VM keep hiking the cost  we have given up our landline and Tv package They wanted over £85 to renew  we dont miss the landline and so nice not to get those nuisance and spam calls. We now use mobile phone £5 per month free calls and fast 4G. Switching to Smart TV and freesat we can catch up with any programs. At our location VM broadband speed is the fastest. But will probably switch to BT when the new WIFI is available. The big pain is loosing VM mail and havving to inform everyone of the new address.


      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Indeed, I did much the same, dropped the landline and TV, and use a Humax Freeview box.  I've since left VM and as I moved my mail some time ago, it was no hassle.  I can go to any ISP and not be tied to their mail server.  As for VM and email, I can't see it lasting IMHO as new users now have to use a 3rd party email address, VM don't supply one anymore. 

        I can understand the hassle of moving but it is possible, if not painful.  Set up a new account now, and forward all new NTL mail to your new mailbox.  Export the rest and just chip away at changing over, it will take time, but you will be free .....

  • Hi Tony-fixit 👋 Thank you for your post and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

    We're sorry to hear about the problem you're having and the poor experience you've had 😔

    Have you tried following all the advice provided in this article here

    If you have, and you're still no further forward, please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.


  • Yes I followed the advise given but did not work with Windows 2006. 
    As a last resort I installed Thunderbird ver 115.12.2 64 bit, this auto configured allowing (POP) settings automatically.
    The send and receive work ok with Thunderbird,
    Looking at the account SMTP settings in Thunderbird
    Description NTL World: Virgin Media Mail
    Server name
    Port 465      ( default 465)
    Security and Authentication
    Connection security SSL/TLS
    Authentication method: Normal password
    User name:


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Yes. Sooner or later you will have to leave VM email. It makes sense to start now while you can take your time, rather than do it later perhaps under pressure.

    And you can start to avoid having to come on here after VM have made their latest access changes or system failure.