ntlworld.com email account deleted by VM without notice
I have been locked out of my NTL emails since 1 May 2024. I had no notice from VM they would do this and therefore no time to move all the important emails to another email address. I have since read that if you leave VM then you lose access to the email account? I have contacted VM helpline and a service ticket was raised on 2 May but nothing sorted as yet. After being with VM on a full package of broadband services since they took over from NTL, we moved house to an area not covered by VM, (Nov 23), so had no choice but to use another broadband provider. At no point did VM inform me I would lose access to my NTL account. I would like to think that having been a customer for many years and only due their lack of coverage where we are now, we had to leave VM, they will respond to my request positively.