Emails from the Sainsbury's Online shopping are taking days to arrive.
Having just spent the better part of 2 hours on the phone to Virgin support and got nowhere, it seems that someone that reads this thread has a contact that can actually do something about this so could I please ask them to wave their magic wand and get someone from VM to fix a slightly different problem?
Mails from the Sainsbury's Online shopping website are taking from 15 hours to 5 days to arrive. These come out of a system run by ProofPoint who are a US$12 billion company that specialise in SPAM scanning and identity protection and VM appear to be greylisting mails from them
removed is a link to an mxtoolbox analysis of the headers from the most recent mail that I've (eventually) received from them. It clearly shows that there is a 15 hour delay between pphosted and VM's inbound SMTP server - 15 hour delay between ( and
Since the Sainsbury's mail contains an authentication code to allow one to login to their website for the first time (or when using a new web browser etc) and that code expires after 10 minutes, a 15 hour old mail is not worth the electrons it was written with.
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