Forum Discussion

carl_pearce's avatar
Community elder
3 months ago

Editing posts feature gone

Has anyone else lost the ability to edit their posts?

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    yup not only have they removed edit but you can't do img source code 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I noticed loss of the Edit function yesterday.  

    I am puzzled by the suggestion spammers are the reason for loss of Edit.

    If we produced a spam robot it would open an account on the forum
    and would be posting fixed messages or fixed adverts from pre-prepared files.

    It would not be returning to correct grammar and typos.

    If spammers are a problem, the sign up process needs to be made more robust.

    • ALF28's avatar
      Super solver

      It looks like an emergency measure to stop posts by spammers, as the VM community is open to anyone, spammers/hackers  might put dangerous links in a post.

      However it makes posting more difficult with no edit feature.

      Does this mean some spammers/hackers are VM customers? If so then VM/Khronos have been caught out with this security issue, or are these spammers not actual VM customers at present?

      Might be wise to do a post first in notepad or wordpad and when correct, and edit done, then copy and paste into a  VM post.

      I think the danger is when links are added in a post to random websites that may contain trojans etc, but links to other VM posts should be OK.

      • MrHalfAsleep's avatar
        Community elder

        I used to do it this way, but it took ages.  Typing long winded posts out took hours.  With the current climate on mis/dis*information, posts could be out of date before they hit the forum.

        * - delete as applicable

  • ALF28's avatar
    Super solver

    change to the VM community website?

    I have noticed when writing posts that the edit option is no longer there to modify a post after posting it, so mistakes or errors can not be rectified and the post is published with mistakes which can not be corrected, which means being careful with the typing and content and not to include any personal data.

    I have to proof read prior to posting. I have also had one post that published and then auto deleted immediately.

    Is this intentional and if so why has the edit option now removed?

    The  response to posts can be  slow at times, however some good advice and info on some answers which is helpful.

    • legacy1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      They could do it so if you have 100 post to have the edit option back

      • goslow's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        legacy1 wrote:

        They could do it so if you have 100 post to have the edit option back

        Something like that would be a reasonable and proportionate approach to deal with any spamming problems. Removing the editing function for everyone is a sledgehammer solution to a nut-sized problem!

    • Graham_A's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      ALF28  As I understand it the edit function for general users has been removed as it was being abused by spammers.