Forum Discussion

startingtopuff's avatar
Joining in
13 hours ago

Disappointing Start - Buffering

I joined Virgin in December and it has not got off to a good start. Despite having over 1Gb data transfer certain sites and pages continually buffer something I have not experienced on my 60Mb BT network. During the course of my investigation I found that whilst my wifi is using the dhcp range the ethernet is using little wonder I am having problems. On the advice of another contributor I did a pin reset and this returned the ethernet to Unfortunately today it has reverted to I have tried to contact support but the link freezes. See attached. I don't particularly want to go down the telephone route as I am hearing impaired. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta is usually the IP of a Router from BT / Plusnet / TalkTalk etc.

    Do you still have one of these active in your home ?

    • startingtopuff's avatar
      Joining in

      Yes, but we are talking about directly connected ethernet, not wifi.

      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Your laptop is getting a lease from your other router.  Switch it off and reboot the laptop . What does that do?