Unable to book an engineer visit - Intermittent connection
Not the account holder, able to ask them to verify security questions ect.
We've been having intermittent connection for a few weeks now and it has worsened the last few days. Around every 20 to 30 minutes during the daytime the hub disconnects for around a minute, this began mid December.
So far we have: Checked all wired connections within the property, restarted the hub many times, checked the issue online (which tells us to try and wait 24 hours, although it's been going on much longer), called the helpline (which just sends us to the website with the 24 hour countdown), started an internet quality monitor (which coincides with the hubs critical output of generic loss of connection messages).
It's become obvious that the only solution is for an engineer to come out, although we cannot book one until late tonight through the website, seems like a complete waste of time to wait, is there anyway to book an engineer now?