Total Loss of Connection for 3 Weeks
So we got Virgin 1GB fibre (5x router) on 5th October 2024.
Worked find for 2 weeks, then started having intermittent drop outs especially during the day.
First technician visit Friday 1st November - changed the router, tested the cabling, latched onto a signal but kept on losing it. Router was just flashing white. He said it needed to be referred to networking team.
Didn't hear anything back within 24 hours, so called up Faults team, they said they would send another engineer out who would arrive with networking team.
Second Engineer visit Monday 4th November - just an engineer showed up, wasn't with networking team, couldn't get it working. Said he wasn't the right person to deal with the issue - and part of the problem is that because im the only person with virgin on this particular stretch, it won't be flagging as a fault. Was out on the street for about 2 hours, said he would have to refer it to networking team and I will hear back within 24 hours. Router now flashing red.
5 days later, still haven't heard from networking team. Have raised a complaint. Spent 3 hours on the phone on Saturday to Virgin 2nsd line support. They kept on insisting I couldn't speak to the networking team myself, there was a local outage (there isn't, I've got a friend who has a business up the road to my left, and his house down the road to my right and hes been fine on both!). They also insisted on sending another engineer out, but as I'd explained the last 2 engineers have both said they'd referred it to networking, and so what is the point in going round in circles again.
Feel like I've hit a brick wall and nothing is being done. Luckily I didn't cancel my old BT FTC so I have some broadband still. Ended up speaking to a UK based cancellations team on Sunday, to be told she is going through the same issue which I thought was a bit odd, and they would cancel if I wanted.
Truth be told I dont want to cancel, I just want it working. Here I am on the 12th November, 3 weeks after initially reporting outage, and the light is still flashing red, on the router itself it says network access denied (running the online tests it says everything is fine).
Just don't know what to do or how to speak to someone who is going to take the initiative to get this fixed.