Forum Discussion

spaceydawg's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

Not getting 1GBPS on Gigabit internet

Hi All,

I have extensively checked as to why I am not getting my full 1000 down and cant find a solution.
I have a powerline adaptor which initially is only getting 200 down (it supports gigabit, and is ethernet run) so I have then ran a Cat 6 High quality *copper* ethernet cable directly from my router to my PC (2.5 gig port) and this is only returning speeds of ~400mbps. 
My phone on wifi has gotten 800 down max. 
My network card in my PC supports 1gbps and I have also used safe mode networking and booted into it to try and still only getting 400 down.
Im not sure why this may be? 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Use the Powerline adaptor utility program to see the link rate over the home mains cables.
    Expect through put to be about 1/3 the link rate for any type of Powerline adaptor, so 200Mb/s maybe normal.

    The 2.5Gb/s port of the Hub 5 has serious compatibility issues on the current software (well covered on this forum).
    Try the speed with the PC connected to the Hub 5 via one of the 1Gb/s ports. 

    • spaceydawg's avatar
      Joining in

      Appreciate the reply.

      For anyone wondering I managed to fix the direct speed from Router - PC and now get around 950mbps download. 
      I did this by running this in an elevated CMD. 

      netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

      As for my situation, I cannot run this ethernet cable so was wondering if anyone knows good alternatives as I don't really want to be bottlenecked at 200mbps with a powerline!
      Thanks though.

      • Squivs's avatar
        Just joined

        Absolute legend, this fixed the same issue for me as well.