Nobody comes to pick up the return kit and now Virgin want to charge me £ 40 for it
I have been trying to return the HUB to you since the half of August. I already had two appointments and on the day when somebody was supposed to pick it up, I always get a text message at 17.00 "Hi, unfortunately as arranged we don't have a technician in your area to collect ou kit today, once we have someone free we will be in touch to make another appointment very soon. ".After that, of course, no one contacted me by phone, e-mail or SMS. Recently, when I called to your infoline, the lady informed me that someone would call to me as soon as possible and pick up return kit. and what ? no one called. My next pickup date is November 5th (it's probably a joke, but this date was the closest 3 days ago). And exactly on Tuesday, September 20, I received an e-mail that I was billed for £40, because I do not want to give you the HUB. Why should I pay penalty if it is your fault that nobody comes to me?
And how is it that this is the only one way of return (this information was provided to me by the lady from the infoline) ???
Sky is far far better !!!