Forum Discussion

SGN16's avatar
Tuning in
10 months ago

Loss of service - over 2 weeks

Looking for any advice - I’ve had a complete loss of service for over 2 weeks now and I have been unable to get anywhere with virgin as to when it will be fixed; I’ve exhausted every option on the phone lines, live chat and now resorting to trying this forum to see if anyone can help..


The internet connection cut out on the 5th April, BT we’re working on the pole outside so didn’t think much of it on the day as I expected it would come back on when they left; 2 weeks later still no internet at all and all the neighbours who are on BT have full service..!
Reported the loss of service that Friday and had a technician come out that Monday, who was unable for fix it as it was an external issue and not anything to do with the equipment inside. He sent out a second set of technicians (who can go up the pole) to check the external cables and they said it was a bigger issue the virgin box ( sorry not technical at all) on BT pole had no signal and it wasn’t my cables that were damaged. At that point I was told there was nothing for me to do and they had put a report in about the issue. Another week passed, called up the helpline repeatedly and another technician was sent and had a repeat of the previous visit that they couldn’t do anything as it was a BT issue.
No one has turned up since then to look at the issue - I assume this must be BT as it’s their poles, and I cannot get an answer from anyone as to who or when it will be looked into.
At this point I am counting down to when the 30 days of no service is up so I can leave without penalties but I have seen from previous posts people then lost their automatic compensation from leaving.

Does anyone have any advice of what to do? It appears the virgin team as soon as it becomes an external issue have to hand it over to subcontractors and have no idea what’s going on from there onwards - is this something I can go straight to openreach about? 
Really appreciate any ideas! Thanks


  • Sephiroth's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Are you a BT customer?  If so, this forum is of no use to you.  The tin says “Virgin Media”.

    • SGN16's avatar
      Tuning in

      Yes I’m with Virgin but they are using BT owned poles in the area so don’t have immediate access to fix it and I also have no way to get through to BT not being their customer.

  • Sephiroth's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Are you saying that you have an Openreach cable coming into your house?  If so, that's a first - Virgin Media using Openreach fabric.

    Can you confirm that the Openreach pole has a distribution point for its network (prolly copper) and on the same pole, as different distribution point for VM?

    VM have legal access to the Openreach pole and any loss of service is down to VM to fix.  Their only recourse to Openreach in these circumstances would be after they've fixed your service and if they can show to Openreach that the BT engineers screwed up the VM fibre.

    Your fibre reaches a pole in your street from an underground duct.  It runs up the pole and is then pole-strung to other poles in order to reach various homes. .  Openreach do this too. 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    @SGN16 has lost his Virginmedia service. He doesn't need to know how it gets to him or how it failed. He just wants it working again.

    Unless someone at VM can pull their fingers out he's not going to get it back. Is anyone listening? 

    • SGN16's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thank you - I’m definitely not an engineer but its been a painful experience trying to get anyone at Virgin to sort it out, as of today still nothing at all.

      Only have another week until the full 30 days without service so just waiting it out to be able to terminate my contract at this point!

      • David_Bn's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for reaching out to us SGN16, and a very warm welcome to our Community Forums!

        Sorry to hear of the issues you've been experiencing with the services, since the work from BT was undertaken in your local area.

        I'd be happy to pick this up, with the aim to have this resolved for you as soon as possible.

        Check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me



  • Sephiroth's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I think he needs to know a little more than he does so that he's better able to judge what's happened.