IPhone X connected to WIFI but no internet
Hi All,
I'm experiencing the dreaded "WIFI connected but no internet" issue with my IPhone X.
I can literally see hundreds of posts regarding this issue....I've tried all the suggested fixes but none have worked for me (WIFI on/off / aeroplane mode / forget network / MAC filtering off etc etc etc)
The issue is sporadic...sometimes doesn't happen at all in a day, sometimes can happen 10 times.....so annoying! All my other devices connect ok without issue.
The response from Virgin Media is "Well other devices connect ok so its not a router issue"
And the response from Apple is: "Well the phone is fine with other routers so it must be a Virgin Media router issue.
So I'm getting nowhere fast....I'm sure this all started about 6 months back...I'm wondering if there was an IoS update that has triggered this?
There is definitely an IPhone / Virgin compatibility issue.
I have noticed that the internet / WIFI service isn't as good as when first installed, so is it possible that the routers do degrade over time (WIFI transmitter or something??)?
If anyone has any hints / tips I would be most grateful.
Unfortunately I've recently committed to another 18 months with Virgin but when that's up I'm definitely switching supplier to get a new router!