Forum Discussion

ecs0set's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

Hub 5 automatically switched OUT of modem mode

I woke up to no internet this morning.  My VM hub 5 which has been in modem mode for years was showing white rather than green.

A hour of reboots, factory resets, reconfig and relaunch in modem mode and it's back.  I suspect a failed remote firmware update.

Anybody else seen the same thing?

Some useful improvements for consideration by Virgin Media:

  • Don't place the reset button on the bottom of a device
  • Don't put default settings password on the bottom of device
  • Don't wedge the miniscule power switch between the power socket and cable socket
  • Use the HTTPS protocol for settings
  • Don't send email passcodes when I've told you my internet is down
  • Hi ecs0set,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you had some trouble with your Hub 5 recently, but I'm glad to hear that this has now been resolved for you. Please do let us know if there's anything more that we can help you with.


    • ecs0set's avatar
      Joining in

      To clarify, it hasn't "been resolved for me".  I spent an hour fixing it...VM customer service were first closed and then unaware of the concept of a "firmware update", insisting it was an issue outside of the local area.  They still have not been in contact to confirm why it happened, despite promising to do so.

      • NewtonsFlux's avatar
        Joining in

        I am having the same problem, twice it has happened to me now, after my initial set-up all was fine for over a year, then my hub 5 all by itself came out of modem mode because the white light is showing instead of green.

        Second time I had to do pretty much all that you described, except it took me close to 4 hours to get it back. Last night the WiFi was very hit and miss, then the hubs lights went from green to white....why?

        About to phone VM up but suspect it will be a half hour wait with no resolve what so ever!

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Some useful improvements for consideration by Virgin Media:

    • Don't place the reset button on the bottom of a device - I have never had need to use it, probably done so it’s not accessible to ‘little fingers’.
    • Don't put default settings password on the bottom of device - Don’t you keep a note of this in a safe place.
    • Don't wedge the miniscule power switch between the power socket and cable socket - Never used it always best to use the wall switch, the hub switch does not reset the power supply which may have a problem.
    • Use the HTTPS protocol for settings - Why? You are only accessing the hub on your local LAN not the WAN, so there is no reason to use HTTPS.
    • Don't send email passcodes when I've told you my internet is down - A large number of users have a smart phone with internet access, what other option is open to VM.
  • Same thing has happened to me last night, at 1am the router went off line. Hub5 has reverted to router mode after more than12 months of being in modem mode. It wouldn't switch back. Kept saying it was and to wait 5 mins but then would come back still in router mode. Ended up do a factory reset and then I managed to get it to switch over to modem mode. took the best part of an hour until it was all back up as it should be.... Not good!

  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    Mine is just rebooting at 2am.evwry day. A pinhole.reset.does not work in that it leaves the ssid from prior router mode in the wifi settings and then when rebooted has security switched off and not the factory wifi settings been a nightmare the lasr two weeks and the forum team not.much better...

  • BenjyBoo's avatar
    On our wavelength

    This has just happened to me. Only when attempting to change the Hub5 back to "modem mode" it kept telling me "this will take 5 minutes" and didn't work. Again, didn't work. I had to press and hold down the reset button on the base, set it back up again and then switch it back to modem mode. Restart my router to get back to normal.

    Of course, if VM gave us a decent WIFI Router that was capable of  providing coverage for a standard size home, and could handle more than just a handful of devices without crashing we wouldn't need third party routers and modem mode! 

    And when it comes to technical support, I've done that over the years, and speaking to someone the other-side of the world with bad English on a poor crackly line after waiting an hour is just a wind up...

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    So whats the deal VM too many people using modem mode that you try and switch back to router mode thinking no one would know?

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Do the logs or Info page of the Hub 5 suggest a new software update is being applied
    to trigger the reversion to Router mode ?   

    If Yes, please share the new Software Version.

  • This has happened to me twice this year after never experiencing it before.  The most recent occasion was this morning after a planned maintenance outage.

    The first time it happened, it took me ages to figure out what was happening and fix it. On both occasions the hub refuses to return to modem mode without a factory reset. 


    • Ilyas_Y's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey psul Thanks for reaching out to us on the Virgin Media forums. 👋🏼

      I'm sorry to hear about the issues with the Hub 5 you are experiencing.
      May I ask when was the last time you had this issue?

      Has it happened since?
      Let us know.

      Kind regards,

      • psul's avatar
        Tuning in

        Sorry, only just seen your post.

        It happened 3 weeks ago on the day that I posted. The previous occasion was roughly 6 months earlier.

        Obviously having done a factory reset there are unfortunately no logs to check.

  • emailwoes's avatar
    On our wavelength

    This happened to me yesterday too, woke up no internet, white light. Only fix was a factory reset and manual switch back to modem mode.

  • Simple answer.   Most of the firmware updates are able to reuse the local config set by the user, however some major firmware updates require the local config to be reset.   It depends on what's inside the update.   Hence your modem stays in the same mode for a long time, until a major firmware change is rolled out, hence the reset.