Forum Discussion

jpcraddock's avatar
Joining in
4 months ago

Automatic compensation refused

Following an outage been 24th Sep and 3rd Oct, which I notified via the app on the first day, I called up today to check the status of my automatic compensation.

I was advised that the outage didn't qualify (among various other reasons and obfuscation) because it was due to causes out of Virgin Media's control and the best they could do was a gesture of goodwill of £10.

Extremely frustrating for two reasons:

1. I've checked the T&Cs since the call (specifically paragraph 36) and that statement is an outright lie.

2. I know that others (since this was an area outage) have been offered more than £10 in compensation for this specific incident.

Surely the whole purpose of automatic compensation is not to have to deal with a drawn out, adversarial complaints procedure?

Can anyone help with next steps? I refused the £10 on the call and asked what the escalation procedure was - guess what, I was told there isn't one.

  • The scheme applies to a total loss of service of phone and/or broadband. If I have understood your timeline correctly ...

    If you reported on 24/9, VM gets all of 25/9 and 26/9 to fix the fault. If VM failed to do that by end of 26/9 you get an initial payment of £9.76 (the payment trigger time) for the first few days of the outage.

    27/9 to 2/10 inc. is 6 days so that is 7 payments @ £9.76 = £68.32 you are owed if the service was restored on 3/10

    VM's general support agents have a long history from past topics on here of trying to fob customers off with a low 'goodwill' payment instead of auto comp.

    The VM forum team may offer to resolve for you instead of the routes you have already tried. If not the process is a formal complaint to VM first of all (a required first step but very likely to result in a further fob-off and a nonsense 'resolution'.

    From there it would be an escalation to the ombudsman via the timescales and processes below

    If you have to go that far, you may want to request a 'Time and trouble' award as per

    After all, as you say, the automatic compensation scheme should be ... automatic!

    You are unlikely to receive a reply from the VM forum team here in ‘Community Natter’. A VIP or moderator might move your topic to a better forum, such as ‘Managing Your Account – Cable’ to get a VM reply.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The scheme applies to a total loss of service of phone and/or broadband. If I have understood your timeline correctly ...

    If you reported on 24/9, VM gets all of 25/9 and 26/9 to fix the fault. If VM failed to do that by end of 26/9 you get an initial payment of £9.76 (the payment trigger time) for the first few days of the outage.

    27/9 to 2/10 inc. is 6 days so that is 7 payments @ £9.76 = £68.32 you are owed if the service was restored on 3/10

    VM's general support agents have a long history from past topics on here of trying to fob customers off with a low 'goodwill' payment instead of auto comp.

    The VM forum team may offer to resolve for you instead of the routes you have already tried. If not the process is a formal complaint to VM first of all (a required first step but very likely to result in a further fob-off and a nonsense 'resolution'.

    From there it would be an escalation to the ombudsman via the timescales and processes below

    If you have to go that far, you may want to request a 'Time and trouble' award as per

    After all, as you say, the automatic compensation scheme should be ... automatic!

    You are unlikely to receive a reply from the VM forum team here in ‘Community Natter’. A VIP or moderator might move your topic to a better forum, such as ‘Managing Your Account – Cable’ to get a VM reply.

  • Following an outage been 24th Sep and 3rd Oct, which I notified via the app on the first day, I called up today to check the status of my automatic compensation.

    I was advised that the outage didn't qualify (among various other reasons and obfuscation) because it was due to causes out of Virgin Media's control and the best they could do was a gesture of goodwill of £10.

    Extremely frustrating for two reasons:

    1. I've checked the T&Cs since the call (specifically paragraph 36) and that statement is an outright lie.

    2. I know that others (since this was an area outage) have been offered more than £10 in compensation for this specific incident.

    Surely the whole purpose of automatic compensation is not to have to deal with a drawn out, adversarial complaints procedure?

    Can anyone help with next steps? I refused the £10 on the call and asked what the escalation procedure was - guess what, I was told there isn't one.

    • Lee_R's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi jpcraddock thanks for posting and welcome to our community.

      Sorry to hear of the length of time you were without your services and deemed not to qualify for automatic compensation. I can see that my colleague Molly has reached out to you in another thread.  I will therefore leave you in her very capable hands.


  • Hi Jpcraddock 👋 Welcome to the community! Thanks for posting. 

    Sorry to hear this feedback about your recent issues with local outages, and your complaint resolution offer. 

    Sadly the terms of Auto-compensation are fixed. You can find full details on them here 👉 . This means if an assessment has been made, we can't add additional compensation for an outage in line with the scheme. If you believe an assessment has been incorrect, we can request a manual re-review of the auto-compensation? Once the results of this have been returned, these are final and cannot be negotiated further. 

    If you haven't done so already, we can raise a complaint for you as a result of the experience. If you already raised a complaint and went to the deadlock stage with this (where you refused a goodwill gesture, and were issued a deadlock letter) we wouldn't be able to go through the process again with you to raise a duplicate complaint. You can find full information about our complaints process here 👉

    That being said, I'm happy to take a look at the account and investigate, to help as best possible! We will just need to send you a PM to confirm a few account details so we can arrange this for you.

    I will do this for you now - you can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

    Wishing you all the best. 🌞