Forum Discussion

antovia95's avatar
Joining in
11 months ago

Groundworks Finished 7 Months ago but still not available?

Hi There, 

I live in Chester and Virgin completed groundworks at my address back in september where the expansion team said it would be good to order in October. Still nothing as of now, I'm on a waiting list but had no updates. Wanting to sign up for Satellite TV and internet (currently don't have TV and on a rolling contract as I thought it would be ready) debating just getting a Sky TV package at this point, worth holding off for some unknown time or just sigining up to Sky? Calling expansion works they have no info to say when it will go live




  • Hi antovia95 

    Welcome to the community forums 

    Sorry to hear that your property is still not showing as serviceable yet. 

    If you have registered for updates here, we'll be here to let you know as soon as we start accepting customers and your property is serviceable.