Forum Discussion

D1G1CROW's avatar
Tuning in
10 months ago

Green light blinking since 5pm

Today I haae a blinking green light since around 5pm.

I have checked all cables, reset etc and unplugged everything. And still getting the blinking green light. 

Status states there are no issues. Yet most likely there is. 

This whole week the service has been up and down and it's really frustrating. As I work from home and require my Internet to be up at all times. I have had this usse since upgrading and getting the new 1gb hub. 

Side note: I went for the 1gb package and from day one I have not come close to the speed I upgraded to. Considering virgin can see what customers are receiving they should know who is not getting the speed they are paying for. 


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    That Samknows test says you were downloading to a mobile. So over WiFi which will be very variable speed. 

    Also you said low speed when downloading. You can't get a valid speed test while downloading because the test requires the full bandwidth. 

  • lotharmat's avatar
    Community elder

    The most useful and up to date info comes from the 0800 561 0061 number. Try that to see if there are any faults that the web service hasn't picked up!

  • Somehow back up and running after 6pm. 

    Did a speed check somehow back up a little bit than yesterday, yet only getting half the speed I'm paying for. 

      • D1G1CROW's avatar
        Tuning in

        I checked 2 others got a lower number and then checked your link and it tells me I'm getting the correct speed.. Confused as I have always used the other sites and they showed the correct speed everytike I changed.