superhub 3 flashing green light
today my superhub 3 has a green flashing light, it was fine until 3am this morming when it rebooted 25x (usually after a firmware update it resets 2x only.) it was working 100% fine before this! 🤬
i have unplugged everything from it for 10 mins, rebooted it, reset it, checked all the power and feed cables inside and outside, nothing! we have no landline, no broadband nothing! this can only be a virgin media created fault as (according to the superhub info our internet is marked BLOCKED... hmm well thats definitely a vm action!) unblock this please as its obviously at your end!
If the green base light flashes constantly & does not go solid at any time then there is no signal on VMs network. If there was a connection but the account was suspended the light would be white with red arrows showing above it.