Cannot connect to Hub 4 Router via IP Address. VM Connect cannot find router.
Had Hub 4 for maybe 2 years. On and off issues. Then 2 days ago I try to access the router to switch off 5g to add a 2.4g Wifi plug and cannot connect to the router ip address. After many attempts get to the password page, sign in and it's simply a blank white screen.
VM Connect app wouldn't start at all, then occasionally tries to get the info. But never finds the hub. VM Connect has NEVER actually worked. Occasionally it finds the devices, but immediately reverts to 'Hub not found". Mostly it goes immediately to "Hub not found'. Which is ridiculous.
Full WiFi no issues. Ethernet cable for desktop Mac. Fully up to date. No iPhones can connect to ip address either. I don't have access to android phones to see if any difference. Not that there should be.
Tried rebooting. Tried hard reset router via pinhole for 60 seconds. Tried switching everything on and off and reconnecting any ethernet cables over and over again, to no avail. Cache's deleted. Apps re-installed. nothing works.
Help line - spend HOURS waiting to be transferred to "tech team' for which I am told I may well be charged. Didn't even get through. There's only so long you can spend waiting on a phone and we are talking hours.
Not impressed with the service. Been a customer for 16 years - since the beginning. Telewest before then!
Any suggestions?