Overcharged for being a Loyal Customer
I have been with Virginmedia since the days of ntl.
I pay just over £40 for the 1 Gig Broadband with Volt, whilst Virginmedia now show itnfor £33.
When I questioned this and the logic for it, I was told that he's just a discount for new customers.....clearly showing they don't care about loyal Customers.
Several Members of my Family have disabilities. Having a fast & working broadband connection is critical, as various medical & communications are reliant on this, so any interruptions are detrimental to their wellbeing. I don't want to take the risk of switching provider and the whole system falling over.
Also, after many years of complaining, they replaced the internal cables, which were over 20 years old, but did not replace the external cable, so I still have issues with noise on the line, as the external cables are over 20 years old.
I hope, that after reading this post, VM will lower my Line Rental and replace the external cable.