Forum Discussion

Lesleymousley's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

360 box

Hi I have just received my 360 box and the wires are no where long enough and I don’t have clue what to do. 

  • Hi Lesleymousley 

    You will need a tech visit to install the box for you.

    You should call  150 from a Virgin landline or mobile, or 0345 454 1111, option 2 (Faults

    When calling Faults ignore all the options and don't press any buttons then you should be placed into a queue and an agent should pick up the phone and book the tech for you.

    Or wait a day or two and a member of the Forum Team should pick this up for you and arrange a tech visit.

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi Lesleymousley 

    You will need a tech visit to install the box for you.

    You should call  150 from a Virgin landline or mobile, or 0345 454 1111, option 2 (Faults

    When calling Faults ignore all the options and don't press any buttons then you should be placed into a queue and an agent should pick up the phone and book the tech for you.

    Or wait a day or two and a member of the Forum Team should pick this up for you and arrange a tech visit.

  • Hi there Lesleymousley 

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

    I am so sorry that this has happened and thank you to newapollo for their help so far. Can I ask if you have spoken to the team and been able to book an appointment at all or if you still need assistance? 

    • Daniel_Et's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Lesleymousley, no problem at all. That's great to hear 😀

      If you have any further queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.
