Voice Control is very very poor AI!
As the title suggests, the voice control on the 360 is so bad and out of date. I will give some examples of why it is so poor below.
Firstly when you start saying a sentence and it or you make a mistake, there is no way to ask it to redo or start again. It just continues to try and type those words. So commands it is ignoring. What commands?
Secondly it is out of date, the relaunch of CNN HD on channel 626 when you say CNN HD it says sorry that is not possible. Because the Voice control has not been updated to include the new channel.
VM need to get this voice control updated and made to be better than it actually is, it is 10000 times worse than alexa and alexa is bad as it is too.
Would be nice if they added commands so you can say "cancel" or "redo" and also make sure it auto updates to include the new channels when they get added etc.
Just some rants I have about the voice control on it.