Forum Discussion

JBW333's avatar
Tuning in
4 months ago

Virgin TV 360 - what I can’t do now!

So having used to my new TV360 box for a few weeks, there’s some things which I’m no longer able to do which I sometimes find really annoying…. 

1 - if you switch to another channel, you can no longer rewind it if you’ve missed the start of a programme. It just switches to live TV.  

2 - if you programme a series link after the series has started, you used to get a ‘catch-up’ link under Recordings to any episodes you’ve missed.  That no longer happens so you have to search for the previous episodes via the Apps. 

3 - you can’t retrieve deleted recordings any more which is annoying if you delete something by accident.

4- you can’t select your favourite channels any more.

5- programme info isn’t as comprehensive as it used to be, ie it used to give you the date it was first aired if it was a repeat.  Now you just get the year so you don’t know for some docu programmes if it’s a repeat or not unless you start watching it.  More info would be helpful.

6 - it would be helpful under Movies if there was a listing for all Free movies … or maybe there isn’t because there aren’t very many?

7 - it would have been helpful if there was an information booklet provided with the remote so people can understand what has changed with the upgrade.

Perhaps some of the above could be considered for inclusion for a future software upgrade?



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    You've not said, but it sounds like you previously had a V6 and opted to voluntarily migrate to TV360.

    The first-5 of your points all fall under the numerous differences between TiVo-software (driving a V6) & Horizon-software (driving a TV360).

    On point 7, as with any IT/tech migration, the product owner is only ever likely to highlight the elements of the conversion that they want to - in other words, the positive changes. There may even be users who don't care for some of the lost features, and complain at information-overload, it has happened!

    • JBW333's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thanks for the reply.  Yes I did opt to migrate as I thought an upgrade would mean an improvement.  I was probably just having a moan when I posted the above, but at the very least they could have kept the On/Off and TV buttons on the remote in the same place but no they’ve swapped them and I miss the My Shows button on the remote to take me straight to my recordings rather than having to go to the Home page and tap along to Recordings.  I’ll get used to it at some point …. 🤷‍♀️

    • drabman's avatar
      Tuning in

      One feature I use a lot that seems to be lost is the V6 ability to bookmark series and individual programmes that are available for streaming. I find it fantastically useful and it's loss is yet ANOTHER thing that drives me nuts about my mother's V360.

       I will be gutted if they ever force me to downgrade.

  • You can actually choose watch from start or watch live when switching channel, you just have to use the the up/down arrows above and below the ok button rather than the channel up/down buttons 

    • JBW333's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thanks, yes I know you can watch programmes from the start but that’s only available if the programmes are on catch up/on demand.  It doesn’t always work for films … unfortunately. 

      • Roger_Gooner's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        JBW333 wrote:

        Thanks, yes I know you can watch programmes from the start but that’s only available if the programmes are on catch up/on demand.  It doesn’t always work for films … unfortunately. 

        That is not true as there are several Startover broadcast channels which give you the option to either watch from the start or watch live.

  • Using profiles you can create your favourite channels list 

  • Mr_K's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    The 360 is very much a downgrade. It's saving VM money on Tivo licences which is why they're  so keen.

    You're losing:-

    • Wishlists
    • undelete
    • series link+
    • series link manager
    • suggestions
    • skip-back on fast-forward
    • quickview
    • default recording options
    • cancelling individual recordings from a series link
    • multi-channel series links
    • allowing recording of radio
    • separation of recordings between boxes
    • watching recordings when internet is not available

    And gaining diddly squat....


  • That's quite a list of negatives! Perhaps I shouldn't take up their offer to 'upgrade'.

    I do have 2 queries though:

    Would my existing recordings remain accessible?

    Is the claimed 4k resolution actually available on ANY broadcast channels (without additional payment)? Or just BBC iPlayer?

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      JohnEdwards wrote:

      That's quite a list of negatives! Perhaps I shouldn't take up their offer to 'upgrade'.

      TV360 does have some additional features over V6, but the list quoted looks fairly accurate of some of TiVo/V6's strengths.

      You ask whether recordings remain accessible. By adding to an existing thread rather than starting your own, I have to presume you're asking about converting from TiVo/V6 > TV360, and whether your recordings transfer? The answer is no - TV360 is a completely different TV software platform and even if you're converting a V6... your box's hard drive is reformatted as part of the process.

      There is no difference in content between V6 & TV360 - the exact same channels are available on both boxes. That includes HD & UHD availability.

    • JBW333's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi.  I can say with absolute certainty that you WILL lose all your recordings on your box.  I was the main thing I was really p****d off about because I rang Customer Service and they said I won't.  Not sure about 4G as I don't have a 4G TV but if I had the choice again to switch or not to switch, I wouldn't.   

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        JBW333 wrote:

        Hi.  I can say with absolute certainty that you WILL lose all your recordings on your box....Not sure about 4G as I don't have a 4G TV but if I had the choice again to switch or not to switch, I wouldn't.   

        The loss of recordings during the reformat is well documented as part of the migration.

        4G is a mobile network technology, I presume you're referring to 4K which is another term for UHD. Both the V6 & TV360 support UHD equally.

    • dianejyoung's avatar
      Tuning in

      You lose all your set series inks and any recordings you have saved. It did warn that recordings would not transfer over but it didn't say links wouldn't either hence I am now going through trying to set them up again. I used to have wishlists for particular favourite actors but I don't seem to have that anymore, that is why I came on here to find out.

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        The previous response from dianejyoung has hit on 2 of the major differences between TiVo/V6 & TV360

        1: Wishlists, i.e. the ability to "series link" based on certain keywords or cast members, is a TiVo-firmware USP not available on TV360

        2: Series links on TV360 can only be set from programmes listed in the 14day EPG. TiVo software allows series links to be set from any single programme entry including an OnDemand asset.

  • The lack of easy to understand information with the new remote control for the Virgin TV 360 upgrade is terrible.

    So much simple functionality has been cast aside just so the new format can look "relevant".

    I regret accepting the upgrade.

    • Darksideofmoon's avatar
      Up to speed

      Your not the only one regretting the change. I've had the "Upgrade" nearly 2 years.

      Still regretting the change.