Forum Discussion

Grumps70's avatar
On our wavelength
2 months ago

V6 versus 360 box

Hi all & Happy new year

Today I received an email from virgin offering a FREE upgrade to the 360 TV box from my current v6.

Firstly is it a worthwhile upgrade and secondly I have 2 v6 boxes. Would I need to upgrade both of them. Thus needing 2 new remotes. I guess setup would need to be done from each box.

If there is no great advantage in upgrading I would probably keep the set up the same as my other half would not want to lose any programmes recorded.



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    A quick search of past threads on this exact subject will reveal innumerate posts asking the exact same question, so give that a go as well.

    That said - TV360 is fundamentally a completely different TV box platform to the TiVo-one that drives your V6, an analogy is that Android is fundamentally different to Apple, although both produce phones & tablets. If you accept the voluntary migration, both your V6 boxes are reformatted, the TiVo-software is removed and Horizon-software installed in its place. All your recordings & series links are deleted as part of the conversion.

    TiVo-software on a V6 is very recording-centric with a good streaming product added on. Horizon-software on a TV360 is a very streaming/online-centric product with recording retrofitted. Which one is better, depends on how you use your box.

    The main features you gain, are access to the Disney+ & Paramount+ apps and a voice control interface. What you lose, is a lot of recording-focused tweaks & features. TV360 has the basics of a recording box, but does work in a fundamentally different way.

    • Grumps70's avatar
      On our wavelength


      Thanks for info. I will have a look at other posts and see which will be the best way to go.

      The only negative I can see at the moment is that the wife will nag the remote to death. Lol



  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The big difference people notice is that although you have 2 boxes with recording capabilities, the backend driver is a server at VMs headend. This combines the all recordings into one list from both locations. You have to go through the menu systems each time you want to see the recordings on a specific box. You also have to specify which box each recording goes onto otherwise recordings just default to the last box used.

    There are numerous other differences, so I would not consider it as an upgrade. It is a migration to a totally different TV platform.

    • Grumps70's avatar
      On our wavelength


      Thanks for info. Most of the posts I have read seem to have a negative response for the 360.

      I think I will stay with my 2 v6 boxes until forced to change. Cannot remember the year but have been loyal with Virgin (NTL) since they rolled out in Luton. Mind you there are other providers available. 



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    And further to the previous post, TV360 is fundamentally designed around one central recording pool with additional multiroom boxes sharing the same space. Thus if one of your TV360-master boxes (converted from V6) subsequently develop a fault, it will likely be replaced with a TV360-mini and lose its hard drive.

    V6 are all independent self-contained boxes which all hard drives but also multiroom stream between them. As mentioned, this is not necessarily an upgrade but a fundamental difference.

  • I too have just been offered an upgrade.
    Is this an offer I wont be able to refuse cos it will go there in the end anyway? 
    I like recording radio programmes so Id miss that. I dont use the apps anyway and I dont want to lose the progs Ive recorded now. Im thinking of ignoring this offer..for now.
    (BTW I tried the sky puck on a trial. Hated it.)

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Neither TiVo nor V6 are offered to new customers, so it's a ringfenced platform - but VM have confirmed that conversions will remain voluntary. VM would like everyone on TV360 eventually, but they show no sign of forcing the issue - just keeping on using various sales tactics to encourage migrations.

    Radio programmes - another of the differences. Both V6 & TV360 have the Radioline app, but TV360 doesn't have radio channels on the EPG thus cannot record them.

    Recordings are lost as part of the reformat

  • Tavis75's avatar
    Super solver

    As a PVR the 360 is a big step back compared to the 360\TiVo, which is IMO it's main purpose,if I wanted a streaming box, I'd buy an Apple TV or similar.

    Some of the missing features are as follows; Wishlists (where you can set the box to record programs on certain subjects or featuring certain people), undelete, series link+, series link manager, suggestions, setting of series links for programs not in the current TV guide, ethernet control, keyboard support via USB, turning of the mini-preview screen while browsing menus, switching between tuners with constant buffering, skip-back on fast-forward, quickplay, default recording options, cancelling individual recordings from a series link, multi-channel series links, radio channels allowing recording of radio, separation of recordings between boxes, watching recordings when internet is not available and probably a few others I've forgotten.

    Also, extra boxes do not have their own hard disks or tuners (unless converted from a V6 box), so you lose storage space and recording ability and are also reliant on the main box being on to watch and set recordings and also on having a decent wi-fi signal (or ethernet cable) between the two boxes when watching recordings. If the boxes are used by independent family members i.e. older children living at home, then there is also the issue of recordings being pooled across all boxes, so everyone's recordings are mixed up, rather than being separated. This also means that if there is a show that both people watch and one person watches and deletes it then it is gone for the other person as well, and can't be recovered due to the lack of undelete.

    • Grumps70's avatar
      On our wavelength


      Thanks for confirming my decision not to migrate to the 360. 

      Hoping I am not forced to in the future as this may sway me to get my services elsewhere.  I have been with virgin/ntl for many years and for the most part been happy with it all.

