Forum Discussion

klsdorsetuk's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

V6 and sky sports+

Hi, seen on our v6 box about upgrading to 360 and was wondering if we can get sky sports+ on the v6 boxes as we really don’t want to change boxes to 360 as we record lots of programmes on both boxes.

Can you still record up to six programmes when you upgrade a v6 box to 360?

Thank you in advance for your help.

  • klsdorsetuk wrote:

    Can you still record up to six programmes when you upgrade a v6 box to 360?

    Yes, you can.  Both of your V6 boxes will be upgraded to 360 and retain all of their recording capability. 


  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    klsdorsetuk wrote:

    Hi, seen on our v6 box about upgrading to 360 and was wondering if we can get sky sports+ on the v6 boxes as we really don’t want to change boxes to 360 as we record lots of programmes on both boxes.

    The V360 system is streaming centric rather than recording centric. For instance, there is no buffering of channels except for the one being watched. Both boxes will record, but you have to specify with each individual recording which box it must be recorded on. The recordings list is a combined list, so again you have to select the individual box to see what is recorded on it.When a box eventually fails it will be replaced with a disk less mini box & you lose half of your capacity. Sky Sports + is confirmed for V360. For the V6, we are still waiting to hear what functionality will be available.

    Can you still record up to six programmes when you upgrade a v6 box to 360?

    Yes, but there is no buffering of the 6 tuners like there is with V6. So whereas if a channel was being buffered & you hit record on the V6 you could possibly get the programme from the start, you cannot with V360.

    Thank you in advance for your help.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The Sky Sports HD multiscreen is being developed for V6, but there's no timescale for it.

  • BlueLou's avatar
    Virgin Media Staff

    klsdorsetuk wrote:

    Can you still record up to six programmes when you upgrade a v6 box to 360?

    Yes, you can.  Both of your V6 boxes will be upgraded to 360 and retain all of their recording capability. 


  • Hi, thank you all for your help, just a quick question relating to upgrading, as we have two boxes do we have to upgrade both or can we keep one as normal v6 box platform and one as a 360 upgrade? I’m keen to upgrade so we can get a mini box upstairs but my partner wants to keep the box in living room the same as it is now?

    Thank you

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      klsdorsetuk wrote:

      I’m keen to upgrade so we can get a mini box upstairs but my partner wants to keep the box in living room the same as it is now?

      You don't need a TV360 to have an additional box, infact you'd be better off staying on V6.

      TV360 is designed around one master-box with all your recordings, and additional mini-boxes which slave off the master.

      V6 additional multiroom boxes are fully functional in their own right with separate hard drive storage. They can multiroom stream between each other, but are not reliant on a single recording pool.

      It's the multiroom capability that means all the boxes in an individual home need to be on the same platform - so all TiVo/V6 or all TV360. Not a mixture of the both.

  • You can't have a mix of 360s and V6s, all boxes have to be converted together.

    I would also look into the differences between the boxes, if you record a lot the V6 has better features in that regard, the 360 is more focused on streaming.

    Some of the missing features are as follows; Wishlists (where you can set the box to record programs on certain subjects or featuring certain people), undelete, series link+, series link manager, suggestions, setting of series links for programs not in the current TV guide, ethernet control, keyboard support via USB, switching between tuners with constant buffering, skip-back on fast-forward, quickplay, default recording options, cancelling individual recordings from a series link, multi-channel series links, radio channels allowing recording of radio, separation of recordings between boxes, watching recordings when internet is not available and probably a few others I've forgotten.

    Also, extra boxes do not have their own hard disks or tuners (unless converted from a V6 box), so you lose storage space and recording ability and are also reliant on the main box being on to watch and set recordings and also on having a decent wi-fi signal (or ethernet cable) between the two boxes when watching recordings.

    • klsdorsetuk's avatar
      Joining in

      Thank you, that’s very helpful, not sure if you can still get the v6 boxes installed so I’ll message them to see.

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Existing TiVo/V6 customers can still add multi-room boxes, upto a maximum of 3 in total.

        It's only new customers who have TV360 with no choice.

    • dartguru's avatar
      Dialled in

      I'm a bit late on parade with this thread. We also have two V6 boxes (as elderly relatives live in the same house, with their own V6 box). What we have at the moment is ideal, as they can record their 'old people programs' and we don't know, or care, what they are, but with the V360 box it appears as if we will, and it will interfere with what we record and delete.

      From what I understand with the V360 box, some of the lost features are IMO unnecessary ones anyway that don't provide much benefit, but to have the main V360 box holding the recordings means we'll be stuck scrolling through 50% capacity of wildlife documentaries to find what we want, and in the rare event where we watch the same program, it could easily get deleted before both have watched it.

      All in all it seems like a massive backward step.

      • Tavis75's avatar
        Super solver

        Yes, the recording pool sounds like a pain, the issue with having to scroll through the extra recordings is an annoyance, but the deletion is a big issue, you either can't delete anything in case the other people haven't watched it, or you need to check for every recording. You can set up recordings to go to a specific box (but you have to remember to set that up manually every time you set a recording), and then use a toggle every time to see recordings only on a specific box, but I believe you can only set up one recording for any specific program on a channel, so that doesn't solve the accidental deletion problem as you can't store an individual recording to each box.

        Also, because the 360 is also missing the Undelete feature then if someone does delete the recording there isn't even a way to recover it.

        When I heard about profiles I thought they might be a way to handle this, different people could have different profiles and only see their own recordings and if a program was recorded by two profiles then it would only be deleted when both of them deleted it, but profiles actually just seem to be about targeted ads.

  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    losts of reasons not to update even though I would like the sky + service. Firstly the fact you seem to have to use a lot of voice commands.. not easy when you can't speak properly because of a disability. Also the fact I cannot use my harmony remote to help with this fact because the 360 software is all bluetooth functionalty rather than IR for most of the buttons thirdly I have over 400 series links accross two boxes which I won't be able to reset up because of the tv360 software won't allow you to set them up without programs being in the guide and then only for one channel specifically I believe and then the hassle of only selecting new programs etc.. my head would not be able to cope with doing all this.


  • Dont do it 360 i can attest and so can many others is dreadful.. If possible use web browsee on your tv and watch skyaports+ via that