3 months agoJust joined
TV 360 upgrade feedback
Another 360 TV user wishing they could revert to Tivo here. Just phoned up requesting to roll back, but sadly was told it's not possible. As it stands, it will definitely be a factor as to whether we renew with Virgin or not. About the only good thing I have to say about 360 is that it has a more modern looking UI.
Adding my feedback here in the hopes some of these things might be addressed. If any of this is user error please do let me know!
- The 360 software is never recording anything to disk unless you specifically ask it to. Tivo on the other hand would actively record stuff based on what you like, and even record the last channel you were watching before you played a recording.
- Most likely related to the last point, 360 is obsessed with trying to get you to consume content from 3rd party apps. I don't want to use them. I pay for a TV service and for a TV license to watch and record live TV. To add insult to injury, some of those 3rd party apps force you to watch ads or might not serve HD content.
- Bizarrely, if you've been watching a programme from the start and later decide you want to record it to disk, you can't. The fact you're literally able to reward to the start anyway does not matter.
- You can't recover deleted recordings. Funny that. Maybe they want you to have to watch it on a catch up 3rd party app...?
- Things like accessing your saved recordings or activiating subtitles took one or two button presses on Tivo. Now it's several.
- It's seemingly hard to tell somtimes which of the recordings have been watched and which haven't. It also lists recordings that have not yet happened which is also confusing.
TLDR. I want to record not watch stuff on streaming services. Recordings as a priority, apps as secondary feature.