Forum Discussion

JK101's avatar
Tuning in
4 months ago

Netflix app menu inaccessible

The Netflix app seems to have changed overnight.

The menu (search, home and profile icon) used to be on the left side, now, they've moved to the top. 

The problem is, the arrow keys won't move the "cursor" to the top. This means I can only scroll down through the programme filters (my list, continue watching, we think you'll love these, coming soon). I can't access the home button or search button etc, and can't change the profile.

I've reset the box, and router to no avail. I can't sign out of Netflix because I can't access the menu button.

Is there a secret button to get to the top of the screen? 

As it is, Netflix is unusable unless I want to watch my other half's program choice, or I want to reset the VM box because if I come out of the app to watch live TV, then when I restart the app, it goes back to the same profile.

I can't see any way the menu buttons can move without an app update. I'm assuming whoever updated the app checked that it would work... but I know that's a dangerous assumption!

Really unhappy about it. 

  • Fixed it. Contacted Netflix help. Their chat operator said they haven't changed the home screen so I was getting an test page ie experimental. She instructed me to switch off the test feature option, sign out and sign in. BINGO. Fixed. Of course there may be some other changes if I was seeing other test features but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it! In the meantime, we can change profiles and search to our hearts content! So, we're just going to search and change programmes just for the fun of it.

    If there isn't already a sticky about Netflix experimental features, it might be useful to make one. 

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi JK101 

    I've just checked on my TV360 box and the netflix app hasn't changed.  

    The menu (search, home and profile icon) are still on the left hand side.

    Have you tried new batteries in the remote?

    How did you reset the box?

    Do you have problems with any other apps?

    Can you include a photo to show the 'new' screen?

    Do you have more than one VM TV set top box? If so is it the same on them both? And if more than one, have you tried swapping them around?

    I know you've posted in the 360 forum, but can you confirm which set top box you have please?

    V6 TV360 tivo boxesstream (Flex) box 

  • Hello newapollo

    Thanks for your post.

    We only have one box. Batteries in the remote are fairly new, but I just changed them, even though I don't think it possible the battery condition can affect the screen layout. Also, the arrow keys can move the highlight up and down the filter choices, just not up to where the menu is. As expected new batteries didn't make a difference.

    I reset the box using the system menu, opting to retain all recordings. I've done this a couple of times. In addition, we use the high contrast display and that restarts the box when selected (why it can't just change I don't know, even MS Windows changes the display without restarting, as does every mobile phone for at least 10 years). 

    Other apps work fine, though signing into them repeatedly after restarting the box is a major pain. 

    Photos below hopefully. 


    The menu buttons are at the top. You can see the highlighted play button. That's as high as it will go. This is the first page, immediately after Netflix opens. 

    This is the box 360 yes? 

    I've found if I press the back button several times, the Netflix app crashes and display this error. I can't find that error on the Netflix site. Tvq-rnd-101 (the closest code ends 100 which signifies connection problems. 

    But that page allows access to this page which shows there is no network problem. 

    Page 2. Doesn't mean anything to me, but maybe someone else? I haven't tried the reset button because it might lose all the lists we've saved and maybe the profiles also. 

    Virgin diagnostics also show no network problems. 

    Resetting the box... again. 

    Not really much use but this is the opening scenes of the programme being pushed on IPlayer Showtrial. 


    Just to clarify one thing, Netflix does play programmes it won't show access to the menu. Unless we crash the app and restart it we're restricted to watching the programmes in the filters. Even if we do that, we're then restricted to watching the programmes in the filters in the profile we select. Can't change profiles through the menu, or search for programmes. 

    As for signing out of Netflix I would expect that restarting the box would do that but we're never asked for passwords etc so I don't know. 


    • newapollo's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Hi JK101 

      Many thanks for your detailed response.

      I've rebooted my TV360 to see if the netflix updated, however it's still the same version for me.

      I did notice however that the text in the app alongside Netflix Version is slightly different in format on mine compared to the one in your screenshot which might explain the differences we are seeing.

      Mine has additional information at the end, 'mdxjs v4.9-1205/nrdjs v3.10.78 ' which might explain why the menu position has changed. (pictures below)

      VM push the box version updates through in stages, currently my box is on version 5.13, but some people might have received that update 3 or 4 weeks before myself. This is partly so VM don't overload their servers, and also so if there is a problem not everybody is affected by it.

      Netflix are withdrawing their app from the older tivo boxes from the end of October (those users are being a free box swap if they want to continue watching netflix) so it's very possible that netflix have indeed updated their app on VM's 360 boxes and you've received the new version before myself.

      You might be able to sign your 360 box out of  netflix and try logging in again by opening the netflix site on a browser.  Open that url and sign in using your main profile, then hover your mouse over the profile icon in the top right corner (screenshot below, I've highlighted that section with two red crosses) then on the pop up menu click on Help Centre.

      This will open up another screen which should show your account name in the top right corner. Click on that name, and on the next screen that opens click on Account.  This opens another page divided into Membership details and Quick Links.   Under the Quick Links section click on Manage access and devices, and you will see all the devices you are signed in on. One of them should be named Liberty Global - Set-top box. Clicking on that should sign you out of the app on your 360 box. You should then hopefully be able to sign in and change profiles as normal but might need to reboot the 360.  If it doesn't work it's probably because the app has been updated. 


      my nf version

      netflix browseryour nf version

      • JK101's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks newapollo.

        I've signed out of everything on Netflix via my tablet. I didn't know you could do that but it's like only the second time I've visited the Netflix site lol.

        I've logged back into the account on my tablet and can watch a programme so I know I've logged in properly. I'm going to try Netflix on the TV in a while, it's recording something at the moment, just in case it needs a reboot (or it crashes) - prepare your the worst! Lol

        But, even if it doesn't work, I've learned something!

        I've just had a thought. We had a power cut to the street on Sunday night, total blackout, we went to bed before power came back on, and obviously didn't know anything was wrong until last night. In fact, we switched Netflix on and watched a program that was in the profile that opened up. It was only later when we needed to change profile that the problem came to light. Possibly, if the box hadn't rebooted the app wouldn't have changed?

        I'm just hoping that I'm not the only one with this problem. 

    • roy247's avatar

      Hi JK101,

      Your Netflix home screen looks like this which you might see if you accessed Netflix using your TV's app.

      I have the same version as newapollo apart from 79 instead of 78 at the end and my menu is still on the left.

      It does say in the article " The company told The Verge that users will be able to access the top menu by either scrolling to the top, or hitting the back button on their remote."

      Probably won't work on the 360.


      • JK101's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hello Roy. My home screen looked like the first picture in that link, as I posted above. I definitely could not scroll up to the menu options so I have no idea if the options expanded. The back button definitely did not access the menu, it was the first thing we tried because that was what we've always done, albeit to the side menu. In fact, pressing the back button 2 or 3 times meant the ability to select anything just disappeared, press it again and the app crashed. 

        No, we weren't a Netflix customer beforehand, we joined quite a long time (mimimum 6 years) after joining Virgin.

        Experimental features : signin to Netflix, then /account/security, scroll down to "feature testing" (last option before "delete account" ) toggle on/off as required. The account holder has to do it. Then sign out and back in to the app. 

        In fact, I've just tried it again. Enabled feature testing, opened the app, and tried to both scroll up and back arrow to the top bar... doesn't work. 

        We didn't know anything about the experimental feature, I'm sure we didn't switch it on because we haven't visited the site since joined Netflix about 2 years ago.