Forum Discussion

robinsoncrusoe's avatar
On our wavelength
6 months ago

Equipment return

Having installed Virgin TV360  I am instructed to return a Humax box but only have the Tivo box (with a different serial number) that I have just uninstalled (which from the literature it doesn't look Virgin wants back).

Can someone advise me please?

PS I've been waiting an hour on the What's App chat.

Many Thanks 

  • Hi robinsoncrusoe,

    If you only had an old TiVo box you shouldn't need to send it back, Humax didn't make any V6 or TiVo boxes, if you had a V6 It would have received a software update.

    You can check which box you had here 

  • That's what I thought when reading the instruction leaflet.

    I don't know why Virgin have asked for a Humax to be returned (which I don't have) and, unsurprisingly, I got fed up after an hour waiting on the What's APP chat trying to inform them. I'll just ignore it unless they contact me again.
