Forum Discussion

Grimble2000's avatar
On our wavelength
10 days ago

CS2214 code and customer service

360 box deleted all recordings and series links about a month ago. Shrugged it off and set everything up again. Last week recordings failed and I got a message ‘failed to play recording’ with CS2214 code.

Phoned for help. After 45 mins and a hard sell on changing my package, guy said he would send a new box out. I said I could set it up myself. Would take 3-5 days.

Couple of days pass and I get a feeling it’s not going to come as I haven’t heard from virgin since the call. No email or texts asking me to rate the service. 

I phone again. I was right. There was a record of my call but this guy says the previous guy didn’t do what he should have done correctly and the new box hadn’t been sent. He says not to worry he will do it properly this time. 35 minutes pass. This time I get reference number, but no text or email to confirm. 

5 days pass. Guess what? Nothing has arrived. What should I do? I didn’t ask for a new box, it was the solution offered. In the meantime I’ve formatted it, wiping my recordings again and it’s behaving but I guess it’s only a matter of time before it happens again. 

My issue really around quality of customer service and communication.

  • Hi Grimble2000 

    Welcome back to the Community Forums.

    Sorry to hear of your concerns with your recordings and missing set-top box replacement.  It's very disappointing to hear about the issues that you've had with us, we can assure you that this is not the standard of service that we aim to provide.
     We can see on the systems on our side that you've been in touch since posting regarding this issue. Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the Community Forums if needed.

    • Grimble2000's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Carley. This issue is not resolved. I filled in a web complaint and the reply was so inaccurate I called to complain about that. This bit of the reply is intriguing: “Please note that a charge of £10.00 for the Virgin TV 360 Replacement was applied on 27/12/24. Please note that on 24/01/25, we processed the request for the replacement.” For some reason I was charged £10 for a replacement box which I never received, 4 weeks before I even phoned for help. I phoned to ask for clarification of the response to my complaint and the person said it was physically impossible for them to pass me to someone to talk to about the response but someone would call me back within 24 hours. Anyway, 48 hours later and my phone has not rung. So to summarise, no it is not resolved. I have not received a replacement 360 box; a box I was supposedly charged for nearly a full month before I called for help, and I have been unable to talk to anyone that is in a position to deal with my complaint about the poor service.

      • newapollo's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Hi Grimble2000 

        Reading between the lines and trying to make sense of the response you received with the web complaint. 

        VM supply free replacements for faulty  boxes. 

        RE:- the previous guy didn’t do what he should have done correctly and the new box hadn’t been sent.

         I have a sneaky feeling that that agent ordered a replacement 360 remote control (and not a 360 box) as replacement remotes sometimes incurs a charge of £10.00 - these don't show up under tracking in MVM.