Forum Discussion

kevcopp99's avatar
On our wavelength
6 months ago

360 upgrade ?

Ive been offered a Free uograde from my V6 to a 360 . What are the advantages or even disadvantages in doing this 

Dont want to rush into it for fear makes litttle or NO difference. Cant seem to find any objective answers 


  • The 360 is missing a number of features found on the V6, a number of these are TiVo patents so will probably never appear, one or two of them might, but people have been asking for undelete for years and there's still no sign of it. In return you get a few new apps,  Disney+, AppleTV and Sky Sports+ (obviously you need to be subscribed to get those), plus voice control (if you like that sort of thing), though that wont work if you use a universal remote. The interface is more geared towards streaming rather than recording, so more clicks to navigate to recorded shows etc.

    Some of the missing features are as follows; Wishlists (where you can set the box to record programs on certain subjects or featuring certain people), undelete, series link+, series link manager, suggestions, setting of series links for programs not in the current TV guide, ethernet control, keyboard support via USB, switching between tuners with constant buffering, skip-back on fast-forward, quickplay, default recording options, cancelling individual recordings from a series link, multi-channel series links, radio channels allowing recording of radio, separation of recordings between boxes, watching recordings when internet is not available, separate HD\SD channels, and probably a few others I've forgotten.

    Also, extra boxes do not have their own hard disks or tuners (unless converted from a V6 box), so you lose storage space and recording ability and are also reliant on the main box being on to watch and set recordings and also on having a decent wi-fi signal (or ethernet cable) between the two boxes when watching recordings.

  • BlueLou's avatar
    Virgin Media Staff

    And on the other hand…

    Despite some people clearly preferring TiVo, the data suggests 360 is objectively a better TV service.  Customers with Virgin TV 360 consistently score higher in satisfaction scores than both V6 and TiVo.  They also remove their TV service at a lower rate. 

    In terms of improvements

    • 360 has a better and wider range of content available and integrated into the platform.  Sky Sports+ is the first example, its not going to be available on V6 for a few months, and wont be available on TiVo.  
    • In addition Disney+, Apple TV+, Paramount+ and any upcoming app launches will be only available on 360 and integrated into the platform so you're going to find what you want to watch sooner.
    • This continues with the superior homepage on 360, with continue watching rail, puchased content/rentals, most used apps, recent recordings and Watchlist available with just a few taps down the menu
    • Of course the quickest way to get around the service is Voice Control; use it to open apps, search for what you want or just say "fast forward three minutes" to sip through the adverts!
    • It looks miles better, without the rows of text you see on V6.  
    • Startover is a great feature where you can start playing from the beginning of a live show, even if you missed the start.
    • Profiles is a great way to make the experience your own, you can even set up your own EPG with just the channels you want!
    • Finally HD override will always default to the best quality available in your package so you dont need to remember additonal channel numbers

    All of this adds up to a much better viewing experience.  I think it's important to get a balanced view before you switch, you will lose your recordings so you want to make sure it's worth it!

    • FredScuttle's avatar
      Tuning in

      The above answer from VM is absolute nonsense, anyone who has used both the V6 and 360 can see the 360 is a massive downgrade on the V6

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Fundamentally TV360 is neither an upgrade nor a downgrade from TiVo/V6 - it is a completely different TV software platform. TiVo-firmware is designed around the recording world, with a decent streaming service added on. TV360 is designed around online first, with recording bolted on.

    Whether it's better for you or worse, depends on your viewing habits and usage.

  • If you currently have a situation with multiple boxes for different members of the house i.e. older children living at home with a box in the their room etc. then the pooling of recordings also becomes an issue, as recordings from all boxes appear together across all boxes, making it harder to find one persons particular recordings. Also, if there happens to be a program that both people watch then if one person watches it and deletes it then it is gone for everybody (and can't be recovered due to the lack of undelete) .


    The startover feature only works on certain channels and basically just gets the program from on demand, so you could just do that manually. Also, due to the continual buffering of all 6 tuners on the V6, if you turn on in the middle of a program it may well be buffered anyway, allowing you to rewind to the start or press record to record the whole program from the beginning, which also lets you fast forward through any ads (not sure if you can do that when using startover or not, as it uses the on-demand system, so may feature unskippable ads)

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Main advantage of the 360: its voice control which enables you to quickly switch between, say, live TV and an app.

    Main disadvantage of the 360: when broadband goes down then so might your ability to watch live or recorded programmes.