Forum Discussion

SMaster's avatar
On our wavelength
11 months ago

360 box on way out?

Our living room box is starting to misbehave. It’s recently failed to record planned shows, then Netflix wouldn’t work, now this evening all our planned recordings for that box have vanished. Recordings already on the disk can be viewed. Any advice? I’ve tried a factory reset to no avail. Feels like a failed HDD…

  • If you can still pause and rewind live TV that should prove the HDD is still OK.


  • SMaster's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Hi Roy 

    Thanks for the comment! The HDD is not totally defunct, it will record live and replay on delay, but we do get a bunch of failures and errors our other boxes do not. I was wondering whether it’s developing bad sectors and whether a format might help? Is there a too like scandisk to flag bad sectors on the drive? Tbh I’m not sure these boxes even have HDD - might be SSD or even M2?

    • roy247's avatar

      How many boxes do you have, I assume they are "upgraded" V6 boxes if they all have hard drives, you could try swapping the boxes around to make sure the problem follows the box.

      You could try the factory reset using the Format Disk option to see if it makes things better or worse but you will lose any recording's you have.

      Make sure you have watched everything first the Format option might just see off the HDD and then you will need to call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone to report a fault.

      • SMaster's avatar
        On our wavelength

        We have three upgraded v6 boxes. Though the box shows the thumbnails for our existing recordings on the “recordings” menu, they don’t play. The error CS2200 is shown. In addition, the box reports it’s at 0% capacity in the top left. When I choose to only show “recordings on this box” they are not shown.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    There are no self-diagnostics or tests that you can do on Virgin TV boxes, nor is there an option for reformatting.

    Service issues are reported to VM, who arrange a tech visit and replace the box.