3 months agoAuthentication Error
I am unable to login to my Virgin media account.
It is saying Blocked. You couldn’t be authenticate. Server error.
I’ve tried on several devices and get the same. Is this them or me?
I am unable to login to my Virgin media account.
It is saying Blocked. You couldn’t be authenticate. Server error.
I’ve tried on several devices and get the same. Is this them or me?
Sometimes, providers experience outages or maintenance periods that affect user logins. Check their service status page or search for any recent updates about known issues. If there’s a local issue with your browser, clearing the cache and cookies could help resolve it. Sometimes, stored data can interfere with logging in, so try clearing those and then attempt to log in again. you've already tried multiple devices, try connecting to a different network (for example, switch from WiFi to mobile data or vice versa) to rule out any potential network issues. If you're able to log in using another network, it might be related to a network-related issue on your end (e.g., router settings or IP blocking). Sometimes, browser extensions or settings can cause issues with login. Try using your browser's incognito mode or try a completely different browser to see if that helps. If the account is blocked due to multiple unsuccessful login attempts or other security reasons, you might be able to reset your password. Go to the Virgin Media login page and select the option for forgotten passwords, and follow the instructions.
Hello singlesmart
Sorry to hear of the problems accessing your MyVM account, we understand the frustration and appreciate you taking the time to make us aware of the issue.
From the image, it looks like you're trying to access this via a mobile device. Have you tried via desktop on a laptop or PC? Has it worked previously and if so, when did you first notice the problem signing in?
I've got exactly the same issue, since yesterday evening. Others have also reported the same issue - see other threads on the forum.
I've tried on PC and ipad, several different browsers, cleared caches etc. Hasn't made any difference. 'Service status' says there are no problems but clearly there are.
hi.. got the same problem... they tried to put ne through to their premium service as they said it was a password issue... i said no... they then said ahhhh yes,,, there is a fault.. being investigated
Thank you for that. You're a braver man than I, as the saying goes. I couldn't bring myself to phone and try to explain to the overseas call centre and deal with their usual - it's your fault, your equipment's fault etc etc, script!
was not easy believe me.... braver guys than me would shy away from such a daunting task... but at least I got through straight away...
Was there any indication from the person you spoke to as to how long it might take to diagnose and fix the fault?
Just to add for the Forum Team. The other threads on the subject are on the Email board. The subject of one is "Emailed blocked October 2024" and another "Blocked You couldn't be authenticated. Server error. Cancel".
Both contain posts from several users, including myself, who have exactly the same issue.
just tried it again and got in OK... so just as well I didnt accept their wonderful premium service offer to fix the problem...
Thanks for reporting that you have just now managed to successfully log in. Good to know that the issue appears to have been fixed this morning. Hopefully someone will explain what the problem was.
Hi cotswold_2008,
Glad to hear the issue has been resolved. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further help and we will do our best to assist.