Forum Discussion

jasonu's avatar
On our wavelength
6 months ago

scammers calls have got wrose since the router phone ...generator numbers .

i was force to router phone sept 2023 

never had a problem with local std numbers ringing . 



my std 0161 say and never get amazon or bank scammer ringing 


the scam call now not over sea getting to ring my phone are local std 0161 1xxxx 2xxx ./

i rang 151 today and because my number is blocked would not let the call to 151 so i had to unblock my number to ring them 


with the news we cant do nothink.

i checked on line they can clone any mobile or uk land line or make a std to make it look real .


so how do i stop the scammers . 


as normal telephone numbers scammed and generator numbers now .

HELP >>>>>>>


generator numbers to look like uk calls . 

151 say we cant help/.





  • Hello jasonu,

    Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your landline since you moved over to having your landline via your router. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything to fully stop these calls, we do have some tips that can help to combat them and they can be found here

    Kind Regards,


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I never understand why folks continue to pick up the phone for a caller they don't recognise / don't expect.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If you don’t recognise the number, don’t answer. If you do the scammers mark your line as responsive & the calls increase as they inform other scammers.

    The majority of numbers used by scammers are cloned, so they have a genuine user as well. Therefore blocking them will block the genuine user which then leads to compensation claims & possible harassment to them from callers thinking they are scammers.

    Virgin are still using traditional telephone exchanges. All that has happened with the hub based lines is the calls are digital direct from the customer to the exchange rather than from a cabinet in the road to the exchange. Traditional exchanges cannot detect where a call is coming from if it is routed through the internet, so has to rely on the information packaged with it, which is the number the scammer has generated.