6 months agoOn our wavelength
scammers calls have got wrose since the router phone ...generator numbers .
i was force to router phone sept 2023
never had a problem with local std numbers ringing .
my std 0161 say and never get amazon or bank scammer ringing
the scam call now not over sea getting to ring my phone are local std 0161 1xxxx 2xxx ./
i rang 151 today and because my number is blocked would not let the call to 151 so i had to unblock my number to ring them
with the news we cant do nothink.
i checked on line they can clone any mobile or uk land line or make a std to make it look real .
so how do i stop the scammers .
as normal telephone numbers scammed and generator numbers now .
HELP >>>>>>>
generator numbers to look like uk calls .
151 say we cant help/.