New account number
Hi, I'm having the same problem, I moved into a new home, and my Virgin Media login (email address) is connected to my old customer number. I am not going to create a new email account just for Virgin, that is absurd.
Not only do I need to access my new account info, but also when I connected the router in my new home, Virgin detected that I was using an old hub, so they sent me an email to tell me I could get a free upgrade. The problem is that since that login is connected to my old address, they tell me they're going to send it to my old address! I really would like the new hub, but at my new address, obviously.
Hi Loretah,
As stated by my colleague we would be able to go about sorting out a transfer of the account from the old one to the new one, but this can take up to 5 working days to complete, if you used a new email you can do this instantly, if you did want this done, let me know here and I can process this.