Fibre adapter not long enough, can I order a phone extension cable?
My home phone switched to fibre last month. We don't really use it so I haven't got round to plugging in the adapter until now. However the cable is way too short to reach the router. I can't move the router as it needs to be next to the PC. I can't move the phone as it's next to the only convenient power socket. As far as I can see I just need an extension cable, hardly worthy of an engineer's time, but I don't see why I should have to buy one. Can Virgin just send me one?
Very likely a case of 'effort-versus-reward'. I think in some recent topics VM has sent out a phone extension cable upon request.
How much effort it takes to actually get the thing from VM and whether it is the correct thing that actually turns up, only time might tell.
A 5m cable is about £3-ish either online (such as eBay) or locally (Screwfix, Toolstation etc.)