TVGO, can't see recordings using 360
Please can you help. TVGO message always says “This recording is only available on your Home network.” I frequently need to see my recordings remotely when travelling etc.
I have had 360:for three years, TVGO a lot longer on V6. and always worked perfectly on V6.I have read all the community questions and replies on this so would appreciate not having a standard pasted in response.asking me to reboot, reinstall app etc . The 360 box is connected to the Hub 3.0 via Ethernet. All devices are on the same subnet. Private address in WiFi settings is active. I’ve rebooted the TV Box as instructed manyntimes, reinstalled the TV go app, logged in again etc.
I’m running iOS/iPadOS 17:4.1m;on iPad min 5.
After a considerable amount of time, this has now become extremely infuriating. There is no point in offering TVGO if it doesn’t work. If not sorted, will definitely not continue with Virgin Media when my contract ends
Virgin Media Tech, have you got an answer after all this time? Please can you message me.